who am i?

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[At I.M.P Reception area]

Megavolt:i can't believe he dead

Blitzo:who-what killed him was it Striker?

Moxxie:no way his body was dead right after we fought off Striker this happened seconds afterwards

Millie:you think we are next?

Blitzo:if we were I don't think we would be here alive no this was a warning

Loona:from who?

Blitzo:I don't know loony we did make a lot of enemy's down here

Megavolt:yeah no kidding but why Quaker jack what did he do?

Moxxie:I don't know but maybe his body can give us a idea

Blitzo:Good thinking Moxxie [they moved to the office room where Quakerjack body is]once we find out what we ar-and the body is gone[they all look where Quakerjack body was at and to find it gone]

Millie:there's no way anybody could have gotten his body out of here without us knowing

Loona:guys there is a blood trail [points to the trail of blood leading to Blitzo office]

Blitzo:Oh for fuck sake really I swear if there blood on my fucking knew carpet I going to kill the mother fuck

[Everyone got there weapons and aimed at the door but Noticing there is one of Quaker jacks arms hanging off the door knob]

Moxxie:ok this is getting a tad bit more creepy

Megavolt:yeah no kidding

[They open the door to see ... nothing no one was there]

Blitzo:Huh maybe they went somewhere else?

Loona:[Smells the air]someone here and it doesn't smell like Quaker jack [Loona open the closet grabs the demon and slammed him on the desk]WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH QUAKER JACK

???:I don't kno-wait loo-loo?

Loona:[looked shocked]what did you say!

Blitzo:do you know this guy or something Loona?

???:blitzo Blitzo is that you

Blitzo:wait that voice it can't be[ Shines the light in his face]oh my god it is

Megavolt:what the fuck it be

???:Nikolas what the hell going on where am I?


Grimmrolli:that my name Don't you wear it out but Seriously, what's going on? What's happening? How I get here? Asking i'm on the block I was inside my limo driving home the Next thing I wake up in a closet with loo-loo slamming on a desk which hu...

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Grimmrolli:that my name Don't you wear it out but Seriously, what's going on? What's happening? How I get here? Asking i'm on the block I was inside my limo driving home the Next thing I wake up in a closet with loo-loo slamming on a desk which hurt by the way so what happened?

Nikolas:grimmrolli bud you been dead for the past 20 years

Grimmrolli:I'm sorry WHAT


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