The Magnificent Six

Start from the beginning

Dally: I can taste trouble!

Eva:...because of the Taures?

Dally nods, his eyes narrowed as an Api rolls by his feet. He picks it up, curious.

Dally: An Api? What on Earth

Y/N: Everyone duck!

The group ducks quickly, and thanks to Y/N's warning, they manage to avoid getting him by a flying giant bucket that used to hold hundreds of api's. After the bucket lands, the group stands back up, now on high alert. Now, the heroes didn't notice this, but Az and Midnight did wander off and found another bucket filled with api's and explored it. The two animal companions then get startled when they see something slimy and blue near the api's and fall off of the bucket and onto the ground, causing the group to look over.

Yugo: Az!

Y/N: Midnight!

The two eliatropes portaled over, being careful of the stampeding Taures, and picked up their animal companions carefully. The two eliatropes then notice a small person made out of blue smile wearing a straw hat, looking at them in fear and confusion.

Dally: Are you telling me that's not a monster?

Y/N: they seem scared...

Yugo and Y/N ignored Ruel and Dally arguing in the background in favor of checking their animal companions health once again, being careful in case of any wounds.

Yugo: Oh, Az...Wake up, little tofu!

Y/N: Midnight....please wake up little bow meow...!

Yugo, Y/N: Come on, make a sound!

The tofu and bow meow then open their eyes, looking at their eliatrope companions. The heroes then get startled when they hear crashing noises coming close to them. They then spot Taures coming out of a store with fruit in their arms. Yugo and Y/N don't look pleased in the slightest as the rest of the heroes are wary, but still ready for a fight as they look around, noting that their are 5 stampeding Taures around.

Taure 1: Yeah, i'm so happy we came here, guys.

The taurus look at Dally, who is talking, but ignore him in favor of looking at the api's.

Taure 2: There are the apis! We're gonna turn 'em rotten, then we gonna suck out the little worms

Taure 3: Snack time!

Taure 4: On toast!

Taure 1: Oh, yeah, and with crunchy potatoes!

Yugo, narrowing his eyes: Hey, who do these guys think they are, hmm?

Ruel, his hand on Yugo's shoulder: Cool it, Yugo.

Y/N: but we can't stand by and do nothing Ruel!

Ruel: Sure we can! I'm sure this is some kind of local custom. They must be regulars of the inn.

Y/N: if they are regulars, then why are they destroying everything?

Ruel pauses, not having an answer to that.

Eva, agreeing with Y/N: Regulars? Looks like their first visit to me.

Amalia: And so at home with apis. What a bunch of idiots.

Yugo, glaring: And they're ignoring us, too. I can't believe it!

Y/N frowns, watching a Taure pick up the bucket of api's and eating them whole.

Y/N, sad: The villagers must have spent weeks collecting all those apis...and now all their hard work has gone down the drain!

Yugo and Y/N then go to face the Taure.

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