11) Sports Festival

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"Now the introductory speech!" Ms. Midnight stood on the podium in her Hero costume. Is it really okay to have her wear that for a high school game? I guess Hagakure's costume is just gloves and shoes.

"Uh, someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing," Kirishima commented with a light blush on his face.

"Yeah, that costume should come with a warning," Kaminari agreed from next to him.

"Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Tokoyami asked.

I wasn't affected by her costume as I had seen it before. I knew she needed to have access to bare skin for her Quirk to work so I didn't pay it any mind. Everyone has some kind of limit to how their Quirk can work, it just so happens that Midnight needs to have exposed skin. At least this costume was better than the one she debuted in.

"Silence everyone!" Ms. Midnight demanded everyone's attention. "And for the student pledge we have, Bakugo Katsuki!" People around Bakugo looked at him with surprise and confusion. I wasn't surprised, he was a great student, it's no wonder he'd be chosen to do the pledge. I just knew that it was a bad idea on the teachers' parts because he didn't care about a stupid pledge. He had too much ego to do something like that.

"He's the first-year rep?" Midoriya asked surprised as Bakugo walked to the the stage.

"I guess that hot-head did finish first in the entrance exam," Sero observed. That didn't surprise me either.

"Only for the Hero courses," A general course girl with blond hair sighed. Right, the Festival is made for Hero course students mainly. I wonder what it would be like to do this Festival without Quirk training.

"Oh, right," Midoriya said sheepishly.

"That girl obviously hates us," Sero commented quietly.

"Yeah, and we've got Bakugo to thank for them not liking our class," Kaminari added. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on guys," They looked at me. "They were going to hate us, Bakugo or no Bakugo, we're the Hero course students, this Festival was practically made for us. How do you think the other courses were going to feel about that?" I explained while also inadvertently defending Bakugo. Everyone was silent as Bakugo made it to the mic.

"I just want to say," Bakugo started and I prepared myself for him to say something stupid. "I'm gonna win,"

"I knew he was going to say something like that!" All of class 1-A exclaimed. Everyone started booing him and people started jeering at our class as a whole. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and could feel a headache coming on. This was going to be a long day.

"Why would you be so disrespectful? You're representing us all!" Iida shouted at the blond still on the stage.

"It's not my fault you guys are just stepping stones to my victory," Bakugo turned and gave the crowd of students a thumbs down. His face was blank, not holding his normal scowl or glare like I was used to. I knew he was serious. He walked off the stage and back into the crowd not bothering to amend his poor choice of words.

"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!" Ms. Midnight glossed over the events that just took place and continued. The screens lit up displaying the words, "First Game". "The first game is what you call a qualifier." Ms. Midnight continued.

"UA really doesn't believe in letting us catch a breath, huh?" Uraraka said and started doing the breathing exercise I showed her before.

"This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first faithful game of the festival!" She gestured to the screen above her and it started scrolling through different types of challenges. "What could it be?" Midnight commented to keep the crowd entertained while the screen chose the game. A few seconds later it stopped and landed on an obstacle course. "Ta-dah!" Ms. Midnight exclaimed.

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