7) Surprises

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That night I struggled with falling asleep, and it wasn't because I watched the newest horror movie before heading to bed. My mind was racing despite feeling exhausted. Even if I closed my eyes my racing thoughts kept me from falling asleep. I just couldn't get my fight with the nomu out of my head. That robber didn't seem like someone to have ties with the League of Villains.

I tossed and turned which caused my body to hurt more. This is useless. I huffed in defeat and decided to take a walk to make my thoughts quiet. I stood from my bed and threw on a hoodie and some pj pants because normally I sleep in a tank top braless and booty shorts.

I carefully left the house to avoid waking Toshinori and began walking down the street. I made sure to keep track of how far I was from the house and how much my body could take in its weakened state. I hoped that moving would settle my overactive mind. I wasn't used to being stationary for so long so I figured that was why I struggled to sleep. I walked about 5 meters when I found a clearing of grass and trees. Maybe watching the stars will help me.

I found a flat spot in the clearing and laid down so I could watch the stars in the night sky. It was my favorite pastime. I don't know how many times I've looked up at the stars and felt like everything was instantly better. My mother used to say that the stars would guide me no matter how lost I was and that the moon was the guardian of the night. That stuck with me even now. Sometimes I would catch myself talking to the moon and asking her to watch over my mom wherever she was now.

Despite thinking about my mom, a thought that would normally make me sad, I felt at peace. Like me and the sky were the only things in the world right now. I hadn't even noticed that my thoughts had all quieted and I was finally getting tired. Maybe I could sleep here.

"F/n?" A voice made my eyes snap open and I sat up on my elbows. On the path before me stood Midoriya dressed in gym shorts and a tank top. It looked like he had been on a jog. "What are you doing here?" He approached me and I sat up.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went on a walk," I said.

"You shouldn't be outside if you're sick," I had almost forgotten that everyone thought I was sick. I couldn't tell them the truth that I had been hospitalized by the nomu, that would spill my secret. "Here, I'll take you home," He held a hand out to help me up. I took his help and he hoisted me up.

"Thanks," We walked back towards my house. "Why were you jogging so late at night?" I asked as we walked.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep either," He scratched the back of his neck. I chuckled at the coincidence.

"I guess it's a good thing you couldn't," He looked at me confused. "I might have fallen asleep out here if you hadn't found me first," I finished.

"Oh," I looked up at the sky and he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. "What were you doing laying in the grass anyway?" I looked at him, he was looking at me too.

"I like to watch the stars," I explained and looked back at the sky. He followed my gaze and looked at the stars as well. "They remind me of my mom," I sighed. He looked at me but didn't ask any questions luckily.

"Hey," I looked over at him. "Uraraka and Mina were talking about a class get-together the day before the Sports Festival kinda as a last hurrah before we have to go up against each other. Hey said something about meeting up at the mall and seeing a movie or something but if you're not up for that it's okay." He kicked a rock by his feet and shrugged his shoulders. I smiled at the offer, even though I've only been in class 1-A for a few days most of them were quick to accept me as a friend.

"Sounds like fun, I'll be there," I said, he looked up with surprise that turned into happiness. I was going to be able to return to classes in a few days but returning to my Hero work was going to take a few weeks a most. I would have free time to hang with the class.

His Weakness (Bakugo Katsuki x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon