8) Return

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Bakugo's POV

I can't believe I'm fucking doing this shit. What the fuck is wrong with me lately? From carrying that fucking Newbie in the training to this stupid soup crap. The next time I see her stupid fucking face I'm gonna blow it to hell so I don't have to see or think about it ever again.

"FUCK!!" I shouted as I blew up the spoon I was holding. I've been so tense lately and it wasn't good with the Sports Festival coming up. I need to focus on what's important.

"Katsuki Bakugo, did you just blow up another goddamn spoon!!!?" The Old Hag yelled from upstairs.

"Mind your fucking business Old Hag!!" I shouted back while picking up the mess I made and grabbing another spoon.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do, I put you into this world and I can take you out of it!" She threatened me for the millionth time in my life.

"Why don't you do it already then!?" I retorted.

"Don't fucking tempt me you ungrateful shit!" She called back. I rolled my eyes and grumbled under my breath while continuing to make the soup. While stirring in the spices I spaced out thinking back to the first time I met L/n. I was pissed to know we were getting another extra in the class when it was already full enough. Then she had the gall to call me that stupid childish nickname and tease me the whole time during the training. What pissed me off the most is how quickly she was able to read me. She knew my strengths and weaknesses before I knew hers.

She was able to keep up with me during training too despite already having been through it once with Deku. It was rare for me to find someone who could match my speed. It drew me to her. I wanted to know more about her. Her Quirk, her strengths, her weaknesses, her likes, and dislikes. I fucking hate that.

"Katsuki, are you listening to me!?" That Old Hag pulled my ear snapping me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my ear after she let it go and rounded on her.

"What the fuck bitch!!?" I rubbed my ear.

"I asked you a question. Why the hell are you making pumpkin soup when we've already had dinner?" She reasked the question I hadn't heard due to being so lost in thought.

"I told you to mind your fucking business," I grumbled and went to turn back to the soup only to have her grab my ear again.

"It's my house and my kitchen, answer my question or I'm throwing you and this soup out!" I groaned in pain and swatted her hand away.

"Fine!" I crossed my arms and looked away. "It's for a classmate, she's sick," I explained. The Old Hag broke out into squeals of happiness.

"Ah! My son has a crush!" I blushed and rounded on her again.

"I do not have a crush on Newbie!" I retorted and she hit me on the head.

"Oh hush, I know a crush when I see one," She said matter-of-factly. I groaned in anger and rubbed the spot she hit.

"The whole class is doing something for her, it's not just me asshole!" I further defended myself. There is no way in hell I would have a crush on someone like Newbie. If anything I loathe her and her holier-than-thou act.

"Sure, you tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. I want to meet this girl as soon as I can," She walked off saying things about a wedding and grandkids making me blush even more. I exclaimed in anger and frustration once again blowing up the spoon I was holding.



Midoriya's POV

When I walked into class that day everyone was gathered around F/n's desk putting together the basket of gifts. I joined the group and saw the things that were already in the basket. Sato's cookies, Mina and Uraraka's beauty set, Yaoyorozu's robe made of f/c silk, and Kacchan's container of soup. There were a few smaller things like candy, books, movies, etc, scattered in the basket as well. My eyes sparkled at the well-organized gift.

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