4) Patrol

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Every breath was hell and the cold rainy air didn't help ease any of the pain.




Sweat, rain, and blood dripped off my body as I trudged my way through the dark empty streets.




Feathers receded into my skin and my feet changed back from my talons leaving my bare skin to slap the wet pavement further adding to the pain.




Finally finding the right place I stepped up the stairs and lazily rang the doorbell with the last of my energy leaving me to collapse to the porch.




The last thing I remembered was a concerned voice.




Toshinori's concerned voice.




Wake up please.




F/n, wake up



F/n, get up


"F/n, you'll be late, get up!" Toshinori's voice pulled me from my nightmare. Groggly I opened my eyes and came face to face with my stuffed animals. It may seem stupid and childish but I can't sleep without hugging something, whether that's a stuffed animal or a pillow. I rolled over and slunk out of my bed and onto the floor, wishing I could stay in its comfort. "F/n!" Toshinori stuck his head into my room and found me face down on the floor. "Are you okay?" He asked. I groaned and turned my head to give him a tired glare. "Well, you're up, I guess. Get ready, you have school in 30 minutes." He shrugged and walked away. He probably understood that I was just tired from last night's patrol when I stayed out too late after wrapping up a hostage situation at a bank.

I pushed myself up from the floor and dragged my feet to my bathroom to wash away my sleepy mood. I looked at myself in the mirror and scowled. My neck, that's normally covered in wraps to protect me in battle, had a dark red hand print now turning blue and purple. I would have to cover this up with something before I went to school. I gingerly touched the spot on my neck and coughed when I realized just how sensitive it was. My throat felt dry and swollen as well. Rolling my eyes at my stupidity last night I turned on the water to my shower making sure it was scorching hot before getting in and washing off last night.

I felt loads better after my shower and hurried to get dressed and wrap my neck in some bandages to cover the mark. I grabbed my bag, rushed out the door with Toshinori, and drove to the school. This time he couldn't walk inside with me so he gave me a ten-minute head start before getting out of the car himself. He hadn't even asked about the wraps around my neck most likely already knowing I had some kind of injury I had to cover up. I ran through the halls and reached the large class 1-A door just in time. I opened the door and took my seat at the back behind Uraraka. Once I was situated I laid my head on my arms, still tired from this morning.

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