5) Sick Day

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My eyes widened at the grey figure looming in the remains of the front of the store. It was lanky and honestly really scary. It stood there for a moment with its head hung low before its "eyes" snapped to mine. Where their eyes would be was nothing but empty holes and its mouth hung low. In a flash, it maneuvered behind me and hit me with a powerful punch to my kidneys. I flung forward and rolled onto my knees trying to recover from the hit. It wasn't even a minute before I was hit again, this time from my left and through the shelves and into the wall. I groaned.

This thing was quick. Quick and strong, that was a deadly duo. I managed to catch sight of the nomu charging at me and shifted to be a mouse again causing it to crash through the crater I had previously been wedged in. I regrouped and made sure the Villain and Akari were okay. Akari had ducked behind the counter and the Villain was attempting to crawl away. I pulled Akari from the floor and dragged her and the Villain out into the streets.

"Stay here," I commanded her. "Make sure he doesn't get away would ya?" I asked with a smile in my voice. I was hoping to reassure her that I had this under control even though I was terrified and struggling to stand on my own two feet. I turned back to the store.

"Wait, you're not going back in there are you?" Akari asked with fear in her voice. I looked over my shoulder at her.

"I'm a Hero, it's my job," I said. "Don't worry I've got-" I was cut off by another large blow to my side. I crashed into some parked cars causing their alarms to go off. I shook off my shock and saw the nomu standing where I once stood. Luckily it was only focused on me so Akari and the Villain had time to hide behind another car. I growled and stood from the wrecked cars and shifted into a tiger. The nomu charged again and I timed it so I dodged its attack and rounded on it to cling to its back.

My claws dug into the pale skin and my jaws snapped around its neck. It whipped around and tried to throw me off but I held strong, sinking my teeth and claws deeper. It rammed me into buildings and cars attempting to knock me out but adrenaline was already pumping through my body. I was determined to wear this nomu down. It reached around with its lanky arm and dug its fingers into the skin around my neck pulling me off its back and throwing me through the window of a building.

I had shifted back involuntarily and lay in the glass rubble. I could feel deep wounds in the back of my neck and every bone in my body ached. I couldn't just lay down and let this thing kill me. I couldn't let it get to Akari. I half-shifted and pulled myself from the ground. Still standing in the streets was the nomu. It was bleeding from my attack which suggested that regeneration wasn't one of its Quirks. I could work with that.

I jumped at the creature and went straight for those holes where the eyes would be. I figured it must be some kind of weakness and focused my strength on slashing its face up. Its arms wrapped around me and attempted to squeeze my organs. I coughed up blood but continued focusing my efforts on shoving my hands through the holes in its head. It screached in agony and after what felt like forever its grip loosened and it fell limp. Had I done it? Was it dead?

I heard sirens approaching. Akari must have called the police. I was exhausted but stood from the ground despite the pain. Before the police arrived I made sure there was nothing out of place to reveal my identity. Surprisingly Pro-Heroes Midnight and Erasurehead had joined the police. I limped towards the fleet of police cars, dragging the corpse of the nomu behind me. I was holding my side and bleeding profusely but I refused to look weak in front of the police and Heroes.

Everyone gasped when they saw my state and the dead nomu. I sighed when I saw that the Villain was in custody and Akari was safe. Midnight met me halfway to help me pull the nomu to the vehicles.

"How did you manage to take this thing down all by yourself?" Midnight asked in surprise. After the last nomu enccounter I had expected this kind of reaction from them. How could I, the number 13 Hero, take down something that the number 1 Hero struggled to take down?

His Weakness (Bakugo Katsuki x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum