6) The First Crack

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Bakugo's Pov

I was the first one in class like normal and got my usual lecturing from Four-eyes about how I was being disrespectful of UA property by having my feet on the desk. The rest of the extras trickled in and finally, Mr. Aizawa walked in and started the class. Something felt off though. Something was missing but I couldn't place my finger on it.

During our first free period in between classes, I could hear people muttering things about a Hero being attacked by another nomu last night. Then I heard it.

"Has anyone seen F/n today?" Round Face's voice caught my attention. I'm not normally nosy but for some reason, I listened to her conversation.

"The last time we saw her was at the park when we asked her to hang with us at Bakugo's house." Racoon Eyes explained.

"She was at Kacchan's house?" Deku, that nerd, asked confused.

"No, she refused, said something about having plans." Shitty Hair clarified.

"Yeah, right after Bakugo challenged her to a spar after school today." Dunce Face added. I recalled the conversation we had with the shitty newbie.

"Fine!" I snapped at the extras who called me their friend before turning to look at L/n. Her e/c eyes were red from crying when we found her and her hair was blowing gently through the breeze making it look soft and touchable. What was I thinking!? "Tomorrow, you and me, after school, we're going to find out who's the strongest." I declared in a tone softer than I had been using.

"I don't know guys," her hand went to scratch the nape of her neck, something I had noticed was a habit of hers. "I have something I need to do after school tomorrow." I thought she was making excuses and scoffed.

"Look who's scared now," I teased her under my breath and smirked at her knowing with her shitty Quirk she would have heard me anyway. Her face fell from a sheepish smile to a more serious determined look. It was a look I had associated with her when she meant business.

"Fine," She said. "Tomorrow, I'll be there," My normal scowl made its way back to my face and the rest of the extras cheered and jumped around. I stared at L/n and she returned my stare for a few minutes before turning back to the group. "I guess I'll see you then," Her face changed from a serious one to a bright smile and she turned to leave.

The extras tried to get her to hang with us but she refused with the same excuse that she had things to do that night and left for real. That was the last time any of us saw her. I realized that's what was missing, what I was so irritated by, the absence of her presence. Why?

"I hope she's okay, does anyone have her number?" I listened back in when Flat Face asked that question. I could hear murmurs of no's and I tried to get it. I scoffed. So no one was able to get ahold of her so we wouldn't know what had happened.

"Perhaps Mr. Aizawa has information as to why our classmate has yet to show today." Four-eyes declared.

"Yeah, let's go ask Mr. Aizawa!" Racoon Eyes shouted and they all scurried back into the classroom. Involuntarily I got closer to the door of the class and listened as they asked the tired teacher where L/n was.

"Her father called last night and explained that she had gotten sick and would not be returning for a few days." Aizawa's tired voice said.


"Oh no,"

"Is she okay?"

"When will she come back?" The group erupted in questions.

"I don't know the details of why she's sick or when she will return, what I can assure is that she will be back by the time the Sports Festival starts," Aizawa explained. I could still hear murmurs from the group asking questions like how she was going to get her missing work and if they should try to bring her a care package. I was too lost in thought to pay attention to them though. Sick? Won't return until the Sports Fest? My jaw clenched and my fists tightened, digging my nails into my palms and leaving crescent-shaped dents. She was just trying to get out of our sparing. I knew she was scared. I knew she would find a way to not come.

His Weakness (Bakugo Katsuki x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt