10) Newbie

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Bakugo's POV

That fucking idiot almost ran straight into a pole, even after I had warned her it would happen. My hands acted on their own. I don't care about Newbie. I don't care if she breaks her nose. Why are her e/c eyes so fucking pretty? And her lips, I could tell she had some kind of gloss covering them, why did I want to know what it tasted like?

I had to get away from her. I needed to distance myself from those e/c traps. But that didn't work last time. She saw straight through my ruse and refused to leave it alone. God, she's so fucking annoying!


Reader's POV

Despite Bakugo being an asshole for the rest of our walk I got home just fine. The Sports Festival was today and I'll be honest, I wasn't ready to see Bakugo again. Not after last night. He was so confusing. One moment he's sweet, in his own Bakugo way, and the next he's an asshole dropping me on my ass. I could barely sleep because those stupid red eyes would not leave my head.

"Are you ready, F/n?" Toshinori's voice broke me from my train of thought. We were in his car on our way to the school. On normal school days, I would walk there and he would do his own Hero things but Toshi wanted to drive me. He said it was like he was driving me to prom.

"Oh, um, yeah, I guess," I looked out the window, ignoring Toshinori's glances.

"Is everything okay? You're not still hurting, are you? Because, if you are, I can have Principal Nezu pull you from the Festival, I'm sure he wouldn't-" Toshinori worried but I stopped him.

"Dad, I'm okay, really," I tried to smile at him reassuringly. "I just have a lot on my head," I explained. He gave me a look that said he didn't believe me. "Seriously, Dad, I'm okay," I gave him a thumbs up. He sighed.

"Okay, but if you think that for a second you're injuries are feeling worse then you better tell me," He said with a stern voice.

"Aye aye, sir," I playfully saluted him with a giggle. His stern face melted into a smile and he rolled his eyes at my antics.

It wasn't much longer until we arrived at the gates of UA and even shorter til we arrived at the stadium where the Festival was being held. Toshinori parked his car in the nearby lot and then left me to head through all the stands and into the stadium. We couldn't be seen together, that would be too suspicious. I made my way to the girls' locker room and saw Hagakure making her way to the locker room too.

"Hagakure!" I called out to the invisible girl, and she turned and stopped to let me catch up.

"F/n! It's good to see you!" She exclaimed. We walked to the locker rooms together.

"You too, I'm actually kinda nervous," I half lied scratching the nape of my neck. I wasn't nervous about the Sports Festival, I was nervous to see a particular blond boy.

"Oh my gosh, me too, I can't believe so many people are going to be watching us! You think they'll notice me?" She bounced around. I giggled at her.

"I imagine you'll surprise everyone when you make it to the finals," I pumped her up. We arrived at the locker rooms and changed into our gym clothes. Hagakure complained about not being able to wear our Hero costumes which made sense because Hagakure's Quirk only affected her body. My Quirk only affects my body too but I found a way to use my own hair and even create my own fabric from my wool when I become an animal with wool. The fabric allows me to affect my Hero costume, as Jackal, so I'm not changing back without any clothes.

I met up with a few of the other girls in the locker room and we all talked about being excited but nervous for the events about to take place. Mina, Hagakure, Tsu, Uraraka, and I walked to the waiting room, chatting about what the challenges could be and reminiscing past Festivals we'd seen on TV.

His Weakness (Bakugo Katsuki x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora