Chapter 15 : Eye of the hurricane

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 West Blue contains a very special island, known not only for its many historians and scientists, but also for the giant tree that houses the world's largest library. The Tree of Knowledge.

All the inhabitants of the surrounding islands go to this island if they want to know something or find a particular book. A maritime library system was even set up many years ago to facilitate access to knowledge. This mobile library travels from island to island, exchanging available books, replacing them with new ones, and responding to requests from locals when a particular subject interests them. This has enabled an exchange of knowledge that doesn't exist in other seas.

Of course, some nobles saw no point in sharing these books with the plebs, wanting to keep them to themselves. But the person behind the system made it clear to them that if they monopolized books and knowledge, severe penalties would be imposed. For some, this threat was enough, but for the most recalcitrant, a small courtesy visit solved the problem.

Thus, illiteracy fell to a very low level throughout West Blue, allowing people who had nothing to improve their condition. Of course, poverty will always exist and nothing can be done about it on the scale of an entire sea, but this will bring a little joy to those who need it.

The person behind it all is known for her white hair and distinctive blue eyes. But above all, she has no qualms about being cruel and implacable to anyone who lands on her island with the intention of harming her people or the Tree of Knowledge.

At the moment, she's at the port to welcome the team of explorers and archaeologists who left several months ago. Among them is a woman who physically resembles her, Nico Olvia. Despite their resemblance, they are not closely related. Perhaps they share a very distant ancestor, or maybe it's just a coincidence.

The other difference is that Olvia has a 6-year-old daughter whom she loves dearly, even though she can't stay with her because of her archaeological research into the lost century, which makes her an outlaw in the eyes of the world government. But thanks to Stella's protection, she and her team can return to the island more often and see their family again, without the world government knowing the nature of their real research.

Olvia and her daughter have just left for the city under the benevolent gaze of Stella Star, ruler of Ohara, even if she doesn't particularly like being called that, as Clover, the island's greatest archaeologist, just did.

"Am I doomed to say every day that I'm not a queen, Clover? I haven't a drop of noble blood, I remind you." Said Stella in a falsely stern tone. The man smiled ironically.

"It's true that you're absolutely not the person who represents us internationally, nor who protects us from danger, nor who participates in the Rêveries." He said mockingly. The woman is admittedly stubborn about the appellation, but to foreigners, this is what we call a leader.

Stella rolls her eyes in boredom.

"Didn't you have some mail regarding the next Rêverie?" The letter is handed to her.

"Indeed, it will take place in a few days." An annoyed sigh passes the woman's lips. She picks up the letter and reads it quickly, frowning.

"Seriously? In the middle of August? Why are they so excited? Normally, it's more like October." She growls before folding the letter and handing it to her friend. "Tell them I'll be there as usual." She finishes with a wave of her hand before starting to walk away. She has several things to take care of before she leaves tomorrow for Mary Geoise.

The man is in no way offended by her uninhibited behavior, long accustomed to it, but it's what makes her so charming, and above all it allows the islanders to go and talk to her easily without having to follow any protocol of etiquette. Seeing her walking the streets is a normal, everyday occurrence, allowing Stella to deal with any problems immediately, and making the locals feel safe and welcome.

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