Chapitre 12 : Kitetsu

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 Night hides many horrors from the eyes of the world. It blends colors, muffles cries and breaks hearts. It wipes away fallen tears, makes death less cruel, like a sweet deliverance with the moonlight as its only witness.

This night is no different from any other. There are moments of joy and love, but also of sadness and death.

At Whiskey Peak, it's death and pain that take center stage, as a man holds a blue-haired girl to the ground. One of his deadly blades sinks into the throat of this young princess, who will soon leave this world if things continue as they are. Like a knife on a fine silver thread that will break at any moment, like an icy breeze that carries souls away from all pain.

That pounding heart, that blood still warming that frail body. Those hazel eyes glistening with tears of helplessness, and the pain of cold air entering her lungs.

It's probably when death is closest that you become aware of everything around you. Every movement of the air around you, the blood coursing through your veins. The feel of the ground against you and the beauty of the moon and stars, the only witnesses to your end.

The man holding this poor girl down begins to slide his blade, already red with blood, across the neck of his prey, wanting to see those eyes extinguished and her blood further staining his weapon. Nothing and no one can stop him as the blade sinks into an inch of flesh.

The assassin's eyes, once emerald green, are now almost ruby red. All that's left is a tiny spark of that magnificent color, reminiscent of springtime and the beauty of the wilderness. But now, they're tinged with death and blood.

More... Just a little more...

A crazed grin plastered on his face grows crazier and crazier with every drop of blood that appears a little more and colors that red-handled blade.

Soon, no one will be able to stop me!

Pinned to the ground. The princess's eyes grow duller and duller, and the little energy she has left gradually leaves her. Her body can't take it anymore, it just wants to fall asleep and forget the pain in her body and soul. With a slow blink, her eyelids close, letting the last tears roll down her cheeks, pale from lack of blood.

The demon smiled even more powerfully as the little green spark remaining in his eyes began to flicker to extinction.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The world began to shake with a power he'd never felt before. Every muscle in his body refused to move. The air around him vibrated powerfully, shaking the ground in mighty waves. His eyes widen and his breathing stops as he hears footsteps approaching him. There's nothing he can do, just feel the person moving behind him and gently place a hand on his to draw the blade away from his prey.

No! No! NO! So close!!!

He watches helplessly as his sword moves further and further away from the neck he so desperately wants to slice. His muscles are so tense that he can't even turn his head to look at the person preventing him from moving.

Let go of me! Let me move!

A hand settles over his practically ruby eyes, completely blocking his view of his prey and forcing him to point his head skywards. He doesn't even feel Kitetsu being taken from his hands. The pressure that fills the air vanishes all at once as this person approaches to whisper directly into his ear in a soft, calm voice.

"Wake up, fingerling. Don't let it take control. Drive it from your mind." Zoro's eyes widened and he took a deep breath, as if in apnea. The red fog that had invaded his mind dissipated in one fell swoop. Revealing a perfectly calm lake where a crescent moon was reflected.

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