Chapter 14 : The storm is coming.

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The night was already well advanced for the rest of the crew left on the Merry. After the evening meal, which took place in a peculiar atmosphere without Luffy's presence to snatch food from their plates or the strange silence of the cook, Nami and Usopp went to bed, leaving Sanji to take the first watch after convincing them to rest first. Anyway, it was only 11 PM, and he didn't feel like sleeping due to the stress and anxiety lingering in his body.

His movements were mechanical as he cleaned the small dishes in front of him, which seemed tiny in comparison. He wished they were much larger, to keep his mind from dwelling on negative thoughts that could lead to bad things.

In a flash, he recalls the red eyes glaring at him with anger after the discovery of his family origins. If his friends found out, would they look at him like that man did? Or even other people he might randomly encounter? In any case, he has to admit that it reminds him that his "family" is still neither liked nor appreciated, and if it becomes known, he risks putting others in danger.

But now, what does he do? Leave the crew without saying anything? Bad idea, because he's sure that Luffy or the other mosshead won't let him leave without a good explanation, especially the glutton. A sigh escapes his lips as he places the last plate on the drainer before wiping his hands with a towel. He looks up and gazes into the small porthole, now dark due to the nightfall. The features of his face are marked by fatigue and worry.

And what if he became like his brothers? A killing machine without emotion? Because if that guy recognized him as a Vinsmoke because of his blood, does it mean he's too closely related to the others? And thus, the genetic experiment in him hasn't disappeared but is just dormant?

With a sudden movement, he shakes his head at that thought. He's not like them; he will never become an assassin serving Germa 66. The tap opens abruptly, and he splashes some water on his face, trying to change his thoughts. There's no point in dwelling on it. The man said he would come back at some point to talk to him. Maybe he can answer all his questions, but for now, he has to forget all that and focus on his journey and his nakamas.

He will prove that he is not the modified, emotionless being his father wanted him to be. He has a heart beating in his chest, quickening at the sight of a pretty girl, contracting in front of someone in need, shedding tears when something horrible happens before his eyes, screaming with rage at injustice. If all that doesn't prove he has emotions, then nobody does. And unlike his brothers, he has a dream, an ambition that belongs to him and him alone.

Taking a deep breath, he leaves the kitchen and takes a cigarette that he lights with a flick of a lighter. The small flame still glows a bit under his eyes before he extinguishes it. What's the use? It won't answer his questions. For now, he's on guard duty, and Nami and Usopp are counting on him to warn them in case of danger.

Their sweet navigator led them to a small cove hidden from view, thus reducing the risk of being easily spotted. They hope to gain time until the others return, and with a bit of luck, they won't even be attacked, as the two thrill-seekers will have taken care of all the pirate hunters.

But there's also the risk that these fools are seriously injured and waiting for their help. While the idea may seem absurd, one must not forget that the enemy is much more numerous.

With a graceful stride, he leans on the balcony railing and looks at the moon. In two or three days, it will be full, without having any particular meaning for them, but it means they will be able to see their nocturnal enemies from further away.

He exhales a puff of smoke that swirls in front of him in the light night breeze. It's a beautiful night, calm and silent. He closes his eyes to listen to the waves crashing on the small pebble beach a few meters away. The sound of animals moving and the rustle of leaves. The smell of sea salt and the forest blends into a fragrance he never tires of.

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