Chapter 2 : Who are you?

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Usopp lies unconscious on the deck, foam spilling from his mouth. Nami, on the floor, hands covering her mouth, eyes filled with tears, and her body shaking. Sanji, mouth agape in amazement, watches as his cigarette rests on the ground, slowly burning. When Stella unleashed her attack, they thought Zoro was dead, cut in half. Only Luffy remained smiling and laughing.

"You're awesome, Stella! I can't wait to see you fight with us!!! Shishishi!!!" Stella's gaze shifts to the captain. She walks over, crossing her arms as she leans on one leg, swinging her pelvis.

"Sorry to dampen your enthusiasm, but I never said I'd fight with you." Luffy's smile transforms into a confused expression.

"Why? You're coming with us, right?" Stella nods.

"Indeed, but only as a trainer. I won't be participating in your fights. I'm sure you understand why." Luffy tilts his head, a large question mark floating above him.

"No, I don't understand." Stella looks at him, blinks, and raises an eyebrow.

"I see... To put it simply, imagine me fighting with you against another pirate crew. What do you think will happen?" Luffy punches his fist in front of him with a triumphant smile.

"We'll fight together and beat the crap out of them!" Stella rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a sigh.

"No, what will happen is that you won't even fight a single pirate. I'll beat them in an instant, which won't be much fun for you." Luffy looks at her with a frown, taking in what she just said. His eyes go to the sea, looking at the endless expanse.

"So..." He says slowly, turning to her. "If you fight with us, we will never become strong on our own. Is that right?" He asks as he looks Stella in the eyes. The woman nods with a small smile.

"Indeed, besides I will only accompany you as far as Sabaody."

"Hm... Okay." Silence descends on the ship. The others look at Luffy with wide eyes, they can't believe that Luffy used his brain for once. It's... miraculous.

Zoro puts Wadô away, trying to calm the trembling of his hands. Even in the face of Mihawk, he didn't feel that sense of helplessness. Like an instinct that told him to stay away from this person and run away. Yet, when they met this woman on her little boat, his instinct had not told him anything. It was only after she exerted this incredible pressure that his body began to react.

Stella had her arms crossed and was waiting for the others to recover from their emotions. They have probably never been exposed to such overwhelming power. But they need to be shown that there are monstrously strong people on Grand Line so that they will think before they rush in.

Once everyone has come to their senses and is more or less relaxed, Stella speaks again.

"I have shown you that I have great attack power, but if that were enough to live on Grand Line, then it would not be the sea of all perils. For let's face it, people as powerful as me are not in the first half of Grand Line. So you don't have to worry about getting crushed instantly." Nami and Usopp breathe a sigh of relief. They finally have a chance to survive on this sea.

"If they're not here, the reason is simple. It's simply because the crews who attempt the adventure don't even make it to the first island because of the peculiar climate of Grand Line." Or not...

Stella turns to Nami, who tenses up under the inquisitive gaze.

"Since you're the navigator, you must know why they don't reach the first island on Grand Line?" Nami swallowed, quickly recalling all the information she had gathered. She remembered the state of Don Krieg's ship, totally gutted and destroyed by the elements and Mihawk's attack.

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