Chapter 11 : The Demon of East Blue

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 Night has fallen on the small island of Whisky Peak, making the forest darker and darker. The sounds of nocturnal animals beginning to emerge from their hiding places punctuate the night with their hooting, nocturnal stridulations and rustling leaves. This calm atmosphere is not even disturbed by a silent shadow passing through the wilderness at full speed.

A man with red and black hair leaps between the roots and branches of the trees without moving a single leaf, as his footsteps gradually lead him towards the island's only town.

Behind his back, his bag shakes a little as Aoi pulls it out with an irritated note. It was half-buried under the clothes when Stella retrieved the bag. The woman, with the appearance of a man, glanced at her as he tried to crawl to her shoulder to resume his position.

"Ha no, I'm sorry but you have to stay hidden. You mustn't let anyone see you, or I'll be unmasked." She warns in her deep, masculine voice as she leaps between two trees forming a kind of vegetal arch of gnarled branches covered in green and brown moss. The snail looks at her, incensed. He didn't come with her to stay in a fucking bag.

He takes a deep breath, holds it for two seconds and screams directly into his owner's ear, who lets out a small cry of pain, placing her hand against her ear to prevent it from being abused, and nearly falling to the ground because of a root sticking out of the ground. Panicked birds flew off with shrill cries, while the surrounding fauna suddenly fell silent, plunging the forest into a deafening silence.

"Ouch! What's wrong with you?!" Aoi's eyes crinkle and he growls in displeasure. Stella wrinkles her nose at the lightning bolts she receives and finally clicks her tongue in annoyance. She hates to see her Den Dens sulking or getting angry with her.

"All right, you can stay out of the bag, but hide as soon as anyone comes near. Okay?" Den Den's eyes are still squinted, but no longer angry. He finally makes a little offended noise, turning his head away in protest at his poor living conditions.

Stella rolls her eyes at his immature behavior, but at least she escaped the worst. Because having a Den Den screaming all the time isn't exactly what you'd call discreet.

She continues to run between the trees, getting deeper and deeper into the thick vegetation that's getting darker and darker. Her hair and eyes turn green between two trees. After all, she chose this color so that bounty hunters would mistake her for the Mugiwara swordsman.

A toothy grin and predatory eyes are all that can be discerned of this shadow moving through the night-darkened forest.


The moon is high in the sky when she finally arrives at the entrance to the town, which at first glance seems quiet. The moon illuminates the city with a soft light, like a clear veil that could tear at the slightest sudden movement. Rectangular buildings of gray brick and stone stretch over a vast area, forming numerous streets and squares within. The roofs are flat and low, allowing Stella easy access with a short hop under the moonlight.

Her green eyes scanned the buildings in front of her, trying to spot potential enemies, but especially the two idiot pirates who should have been there long ago. But seeing no sign of life, she used her observation haki to scan this dangerous city.

An amused smile appears when Zoro's presence enters her field of detection. He's not in town yet, but still lost in the forest, taking detours and retracing his steps several times. But like a predator's instinct, he's gradually closing in on his prey. As for Luffy, he's already arrived, and is currently in a house eating all the provisions he can find.

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