Chapter 16 : A Christmas lost in time

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The months pass quietly on the island of Ohara until Christmas in 1501. Like every year, the Tree of Knowledge is decorated with a multitude of colors that light up the snowy night. But it's not a happy day for Robin.

After her aunt dumps her in her room with nothing to eat, she flees out the window to escape this uncaring family.

Her shoes sink into the snow, walking towards her mother's empty house, as the cold assaults her skin, not having had the chance to take a coat to keep her body from shivering. If she's going to be alone, it might as well be in a house where she feels safe, even if it's been empty for months.

She walks past the tall tree that glows like a milky way in the night sky.

Her white breath flies skyward as she watches the lights twinkle before her. All around her, she can hear the sound of cheerful conversation over a hot meal prepared especially for this day. Her body shakes with cold and her hands begin to ache.

As best she can, she suppresses the painful lump forming in her throat. Head down, she continues on her way so that no one can see the tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. But then, two arms wrap around her waist, and she finds herself easily carried in fur-covered arms.

"What have we here? May I ask why you're all alone on this Christmas Eve, Princess?" "Robin turns her head in surprise to the woman who has just caught her and finds her looking at her with a small smile. The sight of the woman's white hair and face completely breaks down the last defenses the child tries to hold on to, and she breaks down crying in her arms, which feel warm compared to the surrounding cold.

Stella tightens her arms around the child upon seeing her crying and begins to walk.

"You shouldn't go out alone at night, let alone on Christmas Eve. You'd better get home to warmth." Robin clings even tighter to the big white coat. She doesn't want to go back to her aunt and uncle; she knows she'll be punished for leaving and disrupting their Christmas Eve.

"No... Please... don't... don't..." Seeing the child clinging to her even tighter, as if afraid of being let go, Stella bends down, grabs the edge of her coat brushing the snow on the ground, and wraps it around the child, covering her from head to toe, leaving only the sad, frightened face protruding from the white fur.

"You should spend Christmas at my place. What do you say?" Robin looks up, surprised. Really? Spend Christmas with Stella? And not alone? New tears well up in her eyes, and she nods, burying her head in the neck of this woman who resembles her mother so much.

Walking slowly through the cold night, Stella heads for her house, which overlooks the town on a hill.

The building is very old, constructed of stone blocks and wooden beams, yet this ancient style does not detract from the beauty of the house beneath the snow. Pushing open the wooden door, Stella removes the cape protecting Robin so she can see inside.

This is Robin's first time here. Few people are allowed to enter the queen's house, which despite its title, is anything but luxurious. It's a cozy, warm house. A fire crackles in the fireplace, spreading warmth throughout the living room and kitchen, which are furnished with comfortable wooden furniture. Stella carries her to the sofa in front of the fireplace and sets her down gently.

"Stay here and warm up. I'll be right back. Make yourself at home." She finishes with a big, warm smile before putting her coat away and heading for the kitchen.

Robin can't believe what's happening right now. Her gaze loses itself for a few seconds in the fire warming her frozen hands, before she looks around curiously. At first glance, there's nothing very different from the other houses, but what catches her eye is a huge vivarium occupying an entire wall. Curious, she approaches it to observe the lush vegetation inside. The lights are off, so it's impossible to see if there are any animals inside, but the presence of plants she's never seen before is more than enough to captivate her until Stella calls out to her.

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