Jungkook stopped there and looked at Jin. "What? Let's go." Jin said.

"First think what else you forget. Then we will go." Jin smiled. "How caring you are. No I didn't forget anything." Jungkook finally started to walk again.

"Oh. Jungkook. See sweat drops formed on your forehead. Didn't you say you can carry me on great wall of china." Jungkook groaned. "Just stay quiet. We will get late." And Jin just smirked.

Finally they reached on the car and Jungkook started driving. Jin opened his laptop. Checking the reports. 'Don't he have anything else to do than working?'
Jungkook thought to himself.

"Why are you so obsessed with work?" Jungkook finally asked. "To pass over your company." Jin answered without any hesitation.

"Keep dreaming. JK corp. is the best." Jungkook scoffed. "Haha Mr. jeon. If you're forgetting last year our sells are the same. I'm sure this year our company will get more projects than yours. As our working quality getting better than yours." Jin closed his laptop.

"Yeah I said keep dreaming. If your company working hard then do you think I just twerk in the office and come back home?! " Jungkook turned to Jin who shrugged saying " How would I know?! But trust me you will look good twerking. "

"Just wait and watch. If we get the Paris Blue project then Jk corp. will be the top this year. And I'm sure we are getting the project." Jungkook stopped the car as it was red light.

"Oh so all of us hoping for the Paris Blue project. But let me clear it to you. They don't offer their projects easily. And now everyone is doing their best to impress them. Let's see who wins."

"What do you mean by all? Are there any other company trying to get the project? This is not any local project and also expensive. So I don't think that everyone will be interested in them. They don't want get insulted by some foreign company right?"

"Yes you are. But still we have competitors. As it's a big and risky project not many are interested. By your talking I understand you don't know that there are 5 companies this time who are interested in them." Jin said. Jungkook fully turned to Jin, now interested in the talk.

"5 companies? We two are in, I know. But who were the other 3 ?" Jungkook asked curiously. " Skile and Choi industry are the two of them. And the last one is the Min." Jin gave sharp look.

"Oh so Mins are in. I should have expected that. I'm sure Skile and Choi will be out easily. So I have to take over the Min corp." Jungkook turned his attention to the road.

"Am I invisible ?" Jin asked raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Or whatever. You take over the Min and I will over yours. Sk is going to get the project. And that's final." Jin crossed his hands over his chest.

"Yeah. Yeah. I will also see how much final your words are. By the way, how do you know this much about the project?" Jungkook asked what was bothering him.

Jin just smirked at Jungkook's question. "Because I don't just twerk in the office I guess." Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked at the side.

"Hey isn't that your secretary?" Jungkook asked pointing at Yeonjun who was walking with two ice cream.

"Yes. What is he doing with ice cream?" Jin asked looking where Jungkook was pointing.

"Ah. Must be with his girlfriend. So your secretary isn't single. " Jungkook laughed.

"Don't laugh. He can have one. I just didn't expect so suddenly." Jin said.

"Ohh. I also didn't expect that. It's not girlfriend but a boyfriend. Specifically my brother in law." Jungkook exclaimed seeing Minho opening the car door for Yeonjun and taking the ice cream.

"Ah. What's wrong in that? And we just saw them. They can be friend also." Jin defended seeing Jungkook laughing at him.

"Still. Oh my. Yeonjun and Hahaha. Oh Seokjin are you going to pay him from now on or your brother. Haha." Jungkook was dying of laughing.

"It's green light. Just drive and shut up if you don't want to get slapped by me." Jin said angrily.

" You think so. Sorry but you can't." Jungkook scoffed.

"I already did." Jin said with a smirk. "When-" Jungkook stopped when he remembered when. Jin tilted his head raising an eyebrow. He smirk showed up again.

"It's not like you did any achievement. And my slap was harder than yours." Jungkook said totally pissed off.

"Yes. That's why you just groaned but couldn't get out of my grip and barked. Then went to your room. Don't worry I have sharp memory." This time Jin laughed.

"You also looked in pain. And no that soft hands of yours didn't hurt me. But your cheek was red." Jungkook said to stop Jin from laughing.

"Whatever make you sleep at night. And if a cactus like you touch my golden skin it's not odd to get rashes. It was like a bug bite me." Jin shrugged his shoulder.

Jungkook stopped the car.

"Oh no Mr. Kim. You're wrong. This bug's bite can make you scream in both pain and... You're intelligent to know the rest." Jungkook teased Jin which really gave him the expected reaction.

Jin's neck and ears became red in just a few seconds. He opened his lips to say something but nothing came out. Well.. something came out. Jungkook's gaze came to Jin's face. Specifically his lips which was slightly opened. Jin noticed it. They stared at each other.

They came back to themselves when they heard horns from behind. Jungkook started to drive again.

"Are we really now going to talk about how we slapped each other?!" Jin asked looking outside by the window.

"Not we. But you. You started this. And don't. Close your lips don't open." Jungkook said stealing a glance of Jin. Jin didn't said anything but but closed his mouth.

'He could have say mouth instead of lips. Ah what I'm even thinking.' Jin thought to himself.

Meanwhile Jungkook was busy trying to hold himself. 'No Jungkook don't look at him again. I know you'll just look at his lips. So don't.' Jungkook scolded himself.

The dive became silent. They really want nothing more than to reach quickly.

Excuse me Mr. Kim || Kookjin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora