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Four Years Ago

Jack was driving back to the Hub; after dealing with yet another Weevil, when a familiar figure stepped out in front of the SUV. He slammed on the breaks so he didn't run down the younger man. Last time he'd laid eyes on the man, he'd been wearing tight jeans, a tight white shirt and dark jacket and Jack had resisted the urge to roam the man's body with his eyes but now, here he was in the dead of night in a gorgeous suit.

Jack took a deep breath, stepping out of the car to reprimand the younger man before turning back around and walking away. But as he walked back to the SUV, Ianto had said "pterodactyl" and Jack couldn't help but stop dead to look back at the younger man.


"I said, so you're not going to help me catch this pterodactyl then?" Ianto asked again with a smug smile.

"Help me get the kit out the car." Jack replied, walking to the boot of the SUV.

Ianto smiled to himself and did as he was told. After a few attempts and a little bit of flirting, they finally caught the pterodactyl and as Ianto walked away after being told to come into work on Monday, Jack couldn't resist throwing a parting shot at the younger man.

"Like the suit by the way."

Little did Jack know that Ianto wasn't smiling but, actually holding back a sob as he'd finally found a way to help his girlfriend; Lisa.

Ianto came into work bright and early that Monday morning, wearing a new suit and looking the very picture of a professional and perfect employee.

As Jack stepped into the Hub and saw Ianto by the coffee machine, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of him and he stopped dead as he watched the younger man.

He really looks good in a suit. Jack thought to himself, trying not to let his eyes roam his body as it moved.

Ianto looked up and met Jack's eye, smiling brightly. He waited as his boss walked closer before speaking.

"Coffee, sir?" Ianto asked with a smile, already grabbing a cup for his boss.

"Ianto, you don't have to call me 'sir', this isn't exactly a normal work environment. And you don't have to make me coffee." Jack replied softly, holding out his hand for the empty coffee mug.

"It's no bother, sir. And just because it isn't a normal work environment doesn't mean we can't keep it professional." Ianto smiled, sitting the mug in the coffee machine. "So how would you like your coffee, sir?"

"Alright. But feel free to drop the 'sir' whenever you like. Two sugars, black, please. I'll be in my office." Jack replied reluctantly, walking away from the younger man.

"Be with you in just a few minutes, sir." Ianto replied as he busied himself with making coffees.

After Ianto had brought him his coffee and left to do his work, Jack had thought about Ianto all day. He'd tried to do his paperwork but the image of Ianto in his perfectly fitting suit would not leave his mind.

Jack shook his head and assured himself that it would pass once he was used to Ianto's new look.

Weeks past and Jack still found his eyes wondering up and down Ianto's body as he moved around the Hub. Why did this young man in a suit fascinate him so much? Why was the young man in a suit more distracting than when he'd been wearing his tight jeans and tight shirt?


When Gwen joined the team, Jack couldn't help telling her about how Ianto looked good in a suit and the younger man had quipped back with how that was sexual harassment. It took all of Jack's willpower not to continue shamelessly flirting with Ianto. The younger man was shy at first but had slowly started coming out of his shell over the years and allowed the Captain's flirtatious comments; even flirting back with Jack.

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