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Jack awoke in the arms of his sleeping Welshman and smiled, for once the nightmares that usually haunted him had been non-existent and the Captain felt like he'd slept for days.

He looked over at his sleeping partner and kissed his forehead, deciding that a couple more hours sleep for the younger man might help the bags under his eyes.

Jack, however, needed to stretch his aching muscles and maybe go in search of coffee.

But as Jack was about to get up, he felt a hand gently pushing him back down and gorgeous blue eyes looking up at him.

Ianto leaned in closer and kissed Jack, while the Captain ran his fingers through the younger man's hair and then ran a finger down his cheek.

Ianto sighed softly and smiled at his partner.

Jack ran his fingers from Ianto's cheek, heading right down to his very ticklish mid-section.

As soon as Jack got there, Ianto's face began to crack until he couldn't take it anymore and began to laugh uncontrollably.

Jack looked up at Ianto in surprise, "That's a first Ianto."

“What is?” Ianto giggled, slapping Jack's hand away.

“You laughing.”

“I laugh, Jack. It's just hard to always be happy with this job.”

“I know. But I like hearing you laugh. It reminds me that it's not all doom and gloom here.”

“I know, cariad. I promise to laugh more.” Ianto smiled, leaning up to kiss Jack.

“Good. Because I'm about to tickle you again.”

“No, Jack, just no.” Ianto warned, holding his hands up.

“Too late.” Jack grinned and began tickling the younger man again.

“No … stop … please.” Ianto giggled, trying to fight his partner off.

The Captain just continued to tickle his partner, laughing as Ianto tried miserably to fight him off before giving in and succumbing to his fate.

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