Majnun and Layla: A Love Immortal

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Have you ever heard of the story of Majnun and Layla? They say that it's the most romantic story ever told, they say that they fell in love with just a look. In the story they say that Majnun was a Prince and Layla was the daughter of a nobleman from another land. When their eyes first connected Majnun knew he had to have her. 

But it was not to be. 

Like the story of Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers were seperated for eternity. Layla married a Prince and Majnun relinquished his rights as a Prince and lived like a madman, as a madman, traveling where he wished. Their story is heartbreaking, their love is immortal, their legacy lives on.

What if i told you that their story is real? How they lived, died, loved....... 

This is the Tale of Majnun and Layla. This is the tale of true love.


Note to all this is not going to be historically correct, i will keep most facts straight but this is primarly my imagination based on what i know about a old poem. The story of Majnun and Layla may or may not be true, if you wanna know 100% look it up. The actual story is a poem written nearly 2000 years ago so it may have been based on fact or not, i like to believe it was but your free to your own opinion.

I hope you like the story, if you do please vote or comment. Thanks ;)

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