Chapter 32: Social Dynamics

Start from the beginning

Daphne reached out to squeeze Celestia's hand comfortingly, a rare display of affection from the typically aloof Slytherin. "Listen, Celestia, whatever you do, just don't do anything stupid like getting involved with Potter," she warned, her tone firm but caring. "He's nothing but trouble, and you're far too clever to get mixed up with him."

Celestia managed a weak smile in response, grateful for Daphne's concern even as she kept her own secret hidden. Little did Daphne know, Celestia was already entangled with Harry Potter in more ways than one.

As Celestia and Daphne conversed in the Slytherin common room, the subdued atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the arrival of Draco Malfoy, flanked by his usual posse of cronies. His signature smirk was firmly in place as he sauntered over to where Celestia and Daphne were seated, his icy gaze fixed on Celestia.

"if it isn't little sis of mine" Draco drawled, his tone dripping with disdain. "What's got you looking so glum? Did someone steal your broomstick?"

Celestia forced a polite smile, masking her irritation at Draco's presence. "Just discussing some... unpleasantness with Daphne here," she replied vaguely, shooting a meaningful glance at her friend.

Draco's eyes flickered with curiosity, but before he could press for details, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott joined the group, their expressions gleeful.

"Did you hear?" Blaise exclaimed eagerly, his dark eyes alight with excitement. "Potter got another day of detention from Umbridge!"

The news seemed to ignite a spark of delight in Draco's eyes, and he grinned smugly. "About time, too. Potter deserves every minute of it," he declared, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

Celestia resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead nodding in agreement with Draco's sentiment. "Absolutely," she chimed in, her tone carefully neutral. "Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bloke."

Daphne shot Celestia a knowing look, silently urging her to play along with the charade. Celestia nodded imperceptibly, understanding the unspoken message. For now, it was best to keep up appearances and avoid drawing any unwanted attention to herself.

As the conversation shifted to other topics, Celestia couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the role she was playing. But in the cutthroat world of Slytherin House, sometimes it was necessary to conceal one's true intentions in order to survive. And if that meant feigning agreement with her brother and his cronies, then so be it.

The next day, Celestia joined her Slytherin friends for breakfast, she excitedly talked about the new collection of jewellery that is to be realising in summers. As she and Daphne excitedly pored over the latest issue of Witchy Weekly, ogling the stunning clothing collection from Madam Malkin's, Blaise Zabini suddenly appeared behind Daphne, brandishing the Daily Prophet like a trophy.

"Check this out!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with mischief.


Celestia scowled at the headline. "She's a foul woman," she muttered darkly.

Blaise chuckled, casually throwing his arm around Celestia's shoulders as he settled into the seat beside her, much to Daphne's dismay. "Foul to Gryffindors, which makes her an angel to us," he quipped.

"Yeah, a toad angel," Celestia added, unable to resist the urge to take a jab at Umbridge. With a flick of her wand, she set the Daily Prophet ablaze, causing Blaise to jump back in surprise.

"Why all the hate?" Blaise asked, hastily extinguishing the flames with a nearby plate. "You don't think she's good for Hogwarts?"

"Of course she does," Draco interjected, a smirk playing on his lips. "She's just jealous that someone has more authority over her."

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