-5- the fourth champion

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Thankfully, none of his house mates had questioned him further for not putting his name in. They had all collectively come to the conclusion that Harry had already been champion once and hence would be no point  in entering again. Ron had been becoming quieter and quieter over the last hour, the reality likely setting in. Speaking objectively, Harry thinks that Ron is being quite ridiculous. Ron played a part in defeating Voldermort and he's worried about a high school tournament?

Hermione had been tracing her fingers over his arm for the last twenty minutes as the three sat in their favourite spot by the fireplace. The scars from fifth year don't even strike Harry anymore in the same way, he suspects, his scar doesn't even cross Ron's mind. Sometimes, he wonders if the burn-like marks along his arms bother him. If he's insecure about them at all. Harry feels it too rude to ask.

"It's dinner in five minutes." Harry checks the clock. "I think they'll announce the champions before they serve the food because of the benches."

"You're going to be fine, Ron. You know that too." Hermione says quietly. Their relationship would be cute if Harry didn't feel so personally victimised by it. He and Ginny had almost gotten together but Harry had been too awkward to make a move and Ginny had rightfully lost interest. He sees her more of a close friend anyways. "Who do you think will be picked from the other houses?" Hermione asks, an obvious attempt to deter his thoughts.

"I heard Padma put her name in." Harry starts. Padma has been Ron's date to the Yule Ball last tournament and her sister, Harry's. Since there was a possibility of another one happening, Harry should probably take the chance to find Pavarti and apologise. "She was excellent in the order, I reckon she would do well."

"What about Slytherin - reckon Malfoy will get chosen?"

"Just as much chance as anyone but I hope he doesn't - the git. We saved his life months ago and we don't even get a thanks." Ron snarls, Harry suspects Ron had full intention of absolutely killing him once they had gotten out of the Room of Requirement but thankfully, Harry happened to be a bit too tied up at that moment for a shouting at.

"I've been thinking about him, actually." Harry admits, adverting his eyes. He has a feeling Ron, in particular, won't have the best reaction to what he's about to say. "You know how I want to make everything right with people this year? Because I've been such a dick since being tied up with everything? Well, I don't know, it seems silly to leave whatever problem we have like this."

"Are you mental?" Ron asks although it's definitely not a question he needs answering. "Malfoy?"

"Harry, I'm all for this whole idea of yours but I think Malfoy doesn't really deserve your forgiveness." Hermione tries, glancing at the clock. They would have to leave soon. "Do you even remember at the manor?" Her hand instinctively comes up to her left forearm as thought very thought of it had triggered the pain she had felt. That alone, wasn't Draco's fault but Harry knew that's not what she meant.

"At the Manor, Draco saved my life." Harry says, matter-of-factly. He may of been an absolute twat but that's what had happened - at least for a moment. He remembers that night very clearly. After all, the numerous weeks they had spent in that god-awful tent had all blurred together and that night was really the only proper change of scene and also the first interaction with other people they had had for a while.

Once he realised that he had actually been caught and he was likely going to die, his stomach has dropped in a way nothing else could replicate. Not for himself, he could of accepted that he had failed his mission and could die knowing that he had done what he could. Harry's heart dropped for his friends, the people that has risked their life and could potentially be losing it all for something they have nothing to do with - no obligation to fill. Hermione's screams still ring in his head sometimes if the room was too quiet at night. Merlin knows how Ron feels.

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