-6- purely platonic

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"So you don't even know what the first task is?" Hermione asks, pacing backwards and forwards likely wearing a hole in the Gryffindor carpet. It's later in the evening, no later than 11 but again, late enough that it's mostly empty in the common room. When Harry had made it back, everyone was waiting patiently in the lounge, eager for updates.

It had been surprisingly civil in terms of his housemates and they didn't seem as accusing as they had once been. It was nice, having people believe him now. Because everything he had said had been proven true by the defeat of those in power, people didn't really have a reason to be against him anymore - which is why he is so confused about who would of wanted to put his name in that bloody cup.

He wants so hard to believe it was Malfoy but something tells him he didn't care that much. Especially since he put his name in - why would he make it harder for himself?

Harry had to tell them that they knew roughly as much as he did. That his name had been put in and he was going to have to take part. Again. Surprisingly, he hasn't thrown up which was always a plus and he was almost 99% sure it was somebody messing with him so it didn't really give him anything to worry about.

Ron had tried to hide his disappointment at not being chosen and instead tried to be there for his friend. Harry didn't know whether or not he appreciated this. Ron should be angry at him - for all he knows, Harry had every means to put his name in that cup when he wasn't around. But Ron trusted him. For that he was grateful.

"It's like the last first task isn't it? He didn't get told what it was and we just had to figure it out for ourselves." Ron remembers. In fourth year, Ron's brother Charlie has been one of the dragon keepers and so Harry had the privilege of going into it prepared.

"If they put me in a cage with another bloody dragon I'm just going to let it take me." Harry says, not an ounce of sarcasm in his tone.

"Harry that's not funny." Hermione scolds, giving him a sharp glare. Ron, on the contrary, thought it was quite hilarious as he lets out a chuckle which he tries to hide as a cough after receiving a slap from his girlfriend.

"Hermione, I really don't care right now. I am just so fed up of having to be the odd one out. For Merlin's sake, can't I just fade into the background for once in my bloody life? All I do is cause problems for other people."

"That's not true, Harry." She tries.

"Is it not? I come back here - half the students in the school's lives have been altered forever because of the events that I caused and now I've taken away an opportunity for my best mate to finally have something of his own just because I seem to attract trouble." Harry keeps furling his hands into fists, the hot skin starting to sweat as he grew forever more agitated. He had swore to himself that he wouldn't snap at his friends anymore - he should be able to handle things like the adult he already was and talk. After all, look how far not talking about things had gotten him.

Harry, however, had forgotten to taken into account his utter lack of capacity to do so. The repetitive action kept leaving nail marks on his palm.

"I try so hard to be a good friend but I feel like you're both constantly getting sucked into my life." Harry lets out a breath, finally chancing a look up at the two on the sofa. Hermione seems to be giving him sympathetic eyes whilst having nothing to actually consolidate her thoughts.

"It's not your fault." Ron mutters, eyes fixed on the blazing fire. There's a short pause. "It never is and it pisses me off. I can't imagine how you feel."

Both him and Hermione are quite for a moment. Partly to think about what he just said but also to consider Ron himself. Whether due to embarrassment or sheer fear of what would come of it, Ron had never talked about the burden of being in Harry's shadow. Ever since that night in the tent, Harry has been trying to make sure Ron is doing as little as possible for him.

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