-8- tension

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"What should I do?" Harry asks, watching as Draco perfectly slices the Adder's fork lengthwise whilst the potion simmers. There was something so precise about his potion making, perhaps he was so good because it had been his Godfather's job or maybe he was just good with his hands. Harry obviously hasn't given it much thought.

"Absolutely nothing. I don't want you messing this up. You can write the essay." Draco mutters, too focused on pouring the vial of Ptolemy into the cauldron to look up at him.

"You know it wouldn't kill you to be nice to someone who saved your life." Harry replies angrily. He has been trying to be pleasant this year but it requires a group effort of which he was not being given. He knew for a fact the next step of the potion was to allow it to summer for ten minutes so Draco couldn't avoid him much longer.

"Oh yes, let's all give you a round of applause. The chosen one is such a saviour! How charitable, saving someone as low-life as me." Draco spits, angrily turning towards Harry, A strand of blonde hair falling over his face. "I don't owe you fucking anything, Potter."

Harry grits his jaw. If he's got to sit next to the bastard for the rest of the near future, someone has got to be the mature one. Either that or he's going to punch Draco right in his pale face.

"You don't, I just don't get why you're being such a dick."

"I'm sorry I don't want to be best friends all of a sudden, Potter. Can't you see? You've ruined my life." Malfoy gestures to the people around them, as though their very presence demonstrates this. Harry notices a slight drop in his tone as though he doesn't want anyone else to hear him.

"Me? I haven't done anything to you." Harry says defensively, whole body turned towards the blonde, looking as his eyes study his face. They weren't often in conversation for this long, it was odd. If they weren't arguing, it would likely be uncomfortable but it was only getting more heated by the second.

"Don't give me that shit." Malfoy shakes his head, laughing dryly.

"Go on then, what have I done thats so terrible?" Harry challenges.

Draco just stares at him, the ghost of what had been his faux smile still on his lips. It was disbelief, a personal understanding, nothing Harry could read. "You really have no idea, do you?"

"Enlighten me."

Draco chuckles coldly, his eyes narrowing in frustration.

"I don't need to explain anything to you, Potter! You will never know anything about my life, you know nothing about me. You're just a selfish, little shi-"

"If you hate me so much, why did you protect me at the Manor?" Harrys hand slams down so hard on the table, several glass vials clash together, tinkling. Nothing had broken but it might as well have because Draco's eyes drift, now trying to busy himself by cleaning up the non existent mess on the desk.

"I'm afraid I simply have no idea what you're talking about, Potter."

He was lying, Harry knew it.

"You knew it was me. When Bellatrix asked you. You could have had them kill me and you didn't. You saved me."

"I did nothing of the sort." Draco snaps harshly. "Is it not enough to remind me of that night, you have to rub in my failure too?"

Draco didn't seem regretful, he seemed embarrassed. Harry could tell in the way his white complexion reddened at his cheekbones and his movements staggered. He had been at the same school at Draco for eight years now, he knew a thing or two about him.

"Why are you lying-"

"Just piss off!" Draco almost yells, it's loud enough to be heard throughout the classroom, turning a few heads. He seems upset, if it was in his character at all, Harry would suspect he may cry. It's an odd look, really. Like stress, but more sad. Harry furrows his eyebrows in surprise and confusion, ignoring the eyes in his direction. He knew they weren't at him without even sparing them a glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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