-7- veritaserum

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"Mr Potter, as I understand it, you are infamous for your corporeal Patronus. Would you be able to demonstrate it for me please?"

Harry gives Professor Silverthorn a slight look, feeling uncomfortable. The lesson has just started and shes given herself no introduction. Her clothes have altered slightly from yesterday, a long black cloak now missing from her outfit- instead just left with the slim fitting black dress.

He decides to close his eyes regardless, conjuring up his Happiest Memory from the back of his brain. Really, it was quite a sad one but oddly also the happiest. Seeing those that had died for him telling him that it's alright. Knowing that they are actually talking to him and he's not just making it up in his head. That's his happiest memory.

Under his breath, he whispers the incantation, swishing his wand accordingly. A white, glowing creature protrudes from the end of it, running on the air before him. A stag.

By now, it was quite a familiar spell to him and required almost zero effort which did feel deserved due to the countless times he had passed out practising it. However, it was still extraordinary to watch. He liked to cast it a lot in eighth year, just in his dormitory. Reminded him of his dad. He's not too keen on it now.

"Fantastic, Mr Potter. Am I also to understand that you taught several fourth and fifth years how to produce this in your fifth year here as well?"

Harry furrows his eyebrows, he's not quite sure what trap he could fall into. The woman looked very different to how he had expected his new defence teacher to and this could go either way. Either she was lovely or a complete bitch.

"Yes." Harry says very carefully.

Silverthorn gives a warm smile, leaning herself back against the desk with her hands. "Well it appears we have a dilemma."

The classroom is very quiet, several confused heads making faces at each other. They were used to nut job teachers but they didn't usually try to be so damn mysterious.

"Well, Mr Potter here seems to have ensured that only half my class knows the topic from the curriculum. See, whilst those who attended his club can cast patronus' and the Slytherins - evidently - haven't a clue." Coming from anyone else, it may seem like targeting. But she was the head of Slytherin house, it was definitely a change from Snape. "So what that means is that rather than waste the time of wizards who actually took initiative of their learning, those who failed to do so are going to be set homework on researching how to conjure a patronus and being able to produce one yourself."

A loud wave of groans come from the Slytherins, a few members of other houses joining in. Harry's not sure whether to be filled with pride or to be suspicious. He turns to Hermione who just gives him a shrug.

"Yes, I know. Whilst I am Head of Slytherin house now, I do not condone past activity that has taken place here in these walls. I do hope I do not have to explain when I say that all the prejudice that has been and still is held against other has only left you at a disadvantage to your learning. Slytherin is not 'other'. It is not so in the same way Hufflepuff isn't. In the same way that both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are not. I don't think that you all understand that the colour crest you wear on your robes doesn't effect how much of a good person you are. This class is going to encourage inter-house communication and I am going to be putting you outside of your comfort zones this year. Infact - can everyone stand up please?"

Hesitantly, students start moving from their seats, a loud scraping of the chairs sounding against the floor. Harry was beginning to like this women less. He was friends with very few people from other houses but it was the Slytherins he had an issue with. Mainly because his entirety at Hogwarts has consisted of them making his life miserable. Reluctantly he gets out of his seat, moving his bag to his chair as he already knows what's coming next.

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