36. Game on 😏 [2] (M)

Start from the beginning

Jk- Yeah; I got to know that. You are a wild tigress.

Tae blushed at his comment. Jk cupped her cheek and leaned in for a kiss but Tae turned her face to opposite direction.

Tae- Not infront of Hyunnie.

Jk- His eyes are closed and he won't understand anything. He is just a kid.

Hyunnie opened his eyes and glared at Jk while gulping down his meal.

Baby's pov.

I am a baby not an idiot to not understand your intentions dada. I know you wanna keep my mama to yourself only but I won't let that happen. She is only my mama.

Tae- Look his eyes are opened. He is your son afterall. How can he let his dada snatch his mama from him?

Jk- You little guy; just sleep fast. I gotta do some important task with your mama. (said while holding Hyunnie's hand)

Hyunnie let go of Tae's nipple and began crying. Tae looked at Jk angrily and slapped his arm.

Tae- Why the hell you make him cry everytime?

Jk- But I didn't do anything. He himself started crying.

Tae glared at him and turned to look at her crying baby. She began consoling him and sweet talking with him. But Hyunnie continue to cry.

Jk- Give this brat to me. (said while taking Hyunnie in his arms)

Jk nuzzled his face in his tummy and tickled him.

Jk- Now this big bunny is gonna eat this small bunny. Who will save you from me little guy? (said while acting to eat Hyunnie's chubby cheeks)

Hyunnie giggled at Jk's act and fisted his hair tightly.

Jk- Aooch; not my hairs.

Tae- He knows how to protect himself. (said while laughing)

Jk- He is really clever.

Jk pulled his hairs from Hyunnie's grip and glared at him.

Hyunnie laughed; showing his toothless smile while looking at his dada. Jk melted in his cuteness and pecked his forehead.

Hyunnie noticed Jk's nipple and gave a confused look to his dada.

Baby's pov.

Dada also have milky. Is that tasty like mama's milky?

Hyunnie attached his mouth to Jk's nipple and tried to suck it.

Jk- Aeee; Nooooooo. (said while pulling Hyunnie away from his nipple)

Tae couldn't control herself when she noticed Hyunnie sucking Jk's nipple and began laughing loudly.

Tae- Why don't you feed him instead of me? (said while laughing)

Jk looked at Tae with so done face. Hyunnie was also looking at his mama with his big, doe eyes not knowing the reason behind his mama's laughter.

Both father and son looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

Tae stopped laughing when she noticed their serious face.

Tae- Sorry. It was too funny for me.

Jk- Feed him quickly. I really can't control now. (said by handing Hyunnie to Tae)

Tae again attached her nipple to Hyunnie's mouth who began gulping slowly with his eyes closed. He was slowly drifting off to sleep.

Jk- I will go in the bedroom and settle his crib. You come up when you are done feeding.

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