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I had just watched him fall apart... But he liked it... He liked what he did... His thirst for blood and revenge hadn't been satisfied as he walked fast. I looked at Hazel ho what the same concerned expression. This wasnt the same Nico...but this also wasn't that thing. "Nico...are you okay" she asked him. He looked back at us. "I'm great Hazel, just got some unfinished business that's all" he had nothing but a dagger and pure hate fueling him.

"Nico what did that thing do to you?" She asked poking him a bit. "I don't know Hazel, I haven't been allowed out in two years, I don't know a damn thing or damn person just know where to go" his tone seemed almost angry, laughter hiding behind it all. His face held a smile a bit now, a crazed look in his eyes. The crown above his head had never wavered. Was this his father's blessing? A mark of death? What was this...

Soon enough we reached the Capitol building. I looked around and then at both him and Hazel. Hazel seems uneasy looking around taking in everything. There must've been a lot of monsters here. Nico held his hand out to his sister motioning her one way and then motioning me to follow him as he crept forward with confidence. Hazel crept around toward the back.

He had told me to go... We were in this together can't be see that? I'm angry to...they took him away from me for two whole years! But no... He walked right through the front door and of course they're all standing around us waiting. One stepped forward. "Nico, we thought you'd never come back" the thing dressed as a casual business man opened his arms to Nico as if expecting him to run and hug him like a toddler.

Nico gripped his blade harshly his face in a snarl, the crazed look in his eyes much more intense. He seemed to be flashing back and forth through mind and here. He let out a laugh "I remember you, you killed that little girl" his voice dripped with venom. So he did see things... Or hear things... "So you do remember~" the thing smirked "then do you remember the time I spent with your body~?" Nico's eyes flashed a deep red and he was suddenly behind the thing.

"I do~" he held the dagger to the things throat his front pressed against the things back. Nico's voice still has venom dripping from it but there was something else. A playful tone as he licked up the things neck. The thing shivered when he did this. My heart broke slightly until he slit its throat, turning into dust. He appeared behind another and slit its throat quickly as well, all before others could react. Suddenly there was one on top of me the rest going for Nico. He threw his blade, the blade hit right between its eyes and it disintegrated. We grabbed the blade before it fell to the ground and ducked as a sword came right for him.

I looked at my own aponent. It smirked as it came towards me slowly. I shot my bow at it and it stepped to the side. What was I thinking a bow for close combat... I pulled out my sword and heard it up just in time to collide with his, the sound of metal on metal piercing the room compared to Nico's silent assassination. The thing swung harder this time knocking me back but I spun and turned quickly now at his side. I felt my blade get a good cut into his side before he kicked me away.

I flew back my sword clattering from my hands. It didn't matter tho. Nico had finished off all the others and was now on top of this one. He killed him quickly and then walked over to me offering me blood stained hand. I took it hesitantly. "N... Nico..." he looked at me his eyes normal again. "I'm fine" he said "just...had to finish this..." He walked over to a chest sitting behind a curtain and pulled out his sword. His beautiful black stygian iron sword. He smiled. His smile from before as if it had all been washed away.

I knew it wasn't that simple. He still wasn't all here. But for now at least... We could start getting back to normal I hope.


I smiled as I put my own sword back into my sheath. I looked over at Will who still looked dumbstruck. "I thought....I thought you couldn't remember anything..." I looked down for a second. "I... He showed....me things.... Made me listen to things I didn't wanna hear see things...." He looked at me surprised I was telling him this. "What....did that one...do to you" he talked slow unsure of if he wanted to ask. "Will..." I cupped his cheek in my hand "it's okay, I promise, I'm fine as long as your here" he smiled gently.

"Let's go home Nico..." He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Wait...where's Hazel?" My mind flashed with thoughts and I went running for the back entrance. Fuck how could I have just sent her on her own. If anything will should've gone too. I growled when I saw her sword on the floor and the back door wide open a note taped to the door. Who the fuck has time to write a fucking note and find tape. I really took that long?

I ripped the note off of the door and skimmed through it. Stupid typical well kill her show up here bullshit. I looked at the address and left. "W...where are we going? What's happening Nico, what is all of this?" His questions pooled my mind. I growled deeply. "we're going to kill every last one of these stupid fucks will, they all worked for that bitch and Az, every last fucking one of them has done something, no one is innocent-" my words got cut short when everything went black.

"Innocence doesn't exist nico~ think about it, Hitler was already planning before he was born, just as Kronos was already going to kill before he even existed. I'm just here to show people that, Show you that~" he stoked my cheek as I stared into his eyes. "f..." I hadn't spoken in so long. He smiled at this "your not innocent either, your the son of Hades, your cursed, death follows you. But not here nico~ here you can be at peace, with yourself" he chuckled again "with me~" he licked my cheek, lust in his eyes.

"You want a drink Nico~? A nice glass of whiskey with me?" Suddenly Infront of me appeared a floating glass of whiskey with a straw. I glared at him. "It's okay I promise, might help you talk to~" he took a sip out of his own magical whiskey glass. I looked at it and then took a nice long drink. The flavor of the alcohol didn't matter much since everything tasted like nothing. The burning liquid feeling felt amazing. I chugged it quickly. I didn't care what it was it was liquid. "Th...thank...you" I mustered out through coughs.

My face started to feel very warm. I looked around my vision a little dizzy. "Damn you chugged that all?" He chuckled a little "you like that?" I nodded at him looking up at him. "C...w...I..." I didn't even know what to say. He laughed at me. "Cat got your tongue Nico?" I blushed for some reason at that and looked down. "Why me?"

Suddenly I was back again. Will was standing there his hands on my shoulders staring into my eyes. "Nico wake up come on" he slightly shook me. I moved just my eyes to look at him. "I'm here I'm sorry..." I looked away.


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