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    I grunted as I woke up the sun was in my eyes and I didn't like it. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes. I looked over and saw will asleep in the chair his head and arms on the bed. I frowned. He didn't have to stay I was just too tired to think last night. I got up for the first time in what felt like days. My legs wobbled but I managed to get myself to the bathroom. I undressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I was skin and bones at this point. My pale skin was hard to look at.

   I was dirty, covered head to toe in bandages. I slowly unwrapped them all seeing that my wounds had healed to scars and small scabs. I turned on the shower. This would be my first shower in months. I hung the towel I grabbed on the way in on the shower curtain rack opposite the water. × you know you look pretty bad Nico× "gee thanks... I thought I looked like a god .." ×dont get sarcastic with me Nico× a sharp pain went through my head, I kneeled down with a grunt. ×just give into me already! I know you want to, you know it'd be better if you just faded away leaving me with your shell~× "I w- won't let you" I said my voice strained.

   I snapped my head to the door as Will walked in. "Who are you talking to? Why are you out of bed? You can't shower without assistance yet Nico" he walked over to me and grabbed my arm to help me up. I pulled away. "I...Fine.." I looked away a slight blush on my face. I let him help me into the shower and he closed the curtain waiting outside. "Who were you talking to Nico?" I took a collective breath "I was talking to myself.. I got lonley made an imaginary friend in my head.." I lied ×GOOD BOY!!× I twitched. I washed myself hurriedly, the smell of soap sickeningly sweet.

   "Nico.." he stopped talking. "Yeah?" I poked my head out covered in soap and looked at him. "What exactly did....the empusai do..." He blushed a little bit looking at me. I washed my hair out thinking about how to answer dimly aware he was still watching me. "I experienced what a woman feels like... It's not really something I want to tell anyone about.." I grunted as I bent down to turn off the shower. He nodded and looked down. I grabbed the towel and stepped out. I dried my hair first then my body I was unable to reach my backside at this time...

  "Hey Will.." he popped his head up and looked at me "hm?" I handed him the towel. "I can't reach behind me.." I said embarrassed. I longed for his touch, for his fingers on my skin and this was it. He nodded and had me turn around. As he dried me off his fingers would occasionally caress my skin. "I missed you...so fucking much Nico, for weeks after you left I couldn't sleep I couldn't eat..." I turned to him and looked up at him. "I just tried to pretend you and I were on vacation in different places.." I looked away "it was the only way to cope"

  He kneeled down and hugged my waist. "I know we've been apart but please... Please be with me, I miss you so much" tears had started falling from his eyes. I looked at him face to face now. "Solace..." I caressed his cheek.  He smashed his lips into mine. I stared for a second wide eyed, but I melted. I couldn't say no to him... I love him... I  LOVE HIM I admitted to myself. He wrapped his hand around my head.

     I pushed him away fast and I fell to the floor I gasped and looked around wildly, I looked up at a cyclops towering over me. "So skinny no meat to eat" he stated as he prodded at me. I stabbed his eye and he screamed and threw me against a wall. I couldn't breath as I looked up at him who was walking towards me. "Please... don't" I started to beg earning a chuckle from the cyclops  he picked me up once again and I grabbed my sword quickly thrusting it into his eye again he fell on top on me and a jagged rock on his belt ran my shoulder clean through. Once again the world faded to nothing but then the light came back.

    Will was on top of me with my arms above my head. His bottom lip was busted.. I leaned my head back staring at the ceiling catching my breath. I was shaking wildly. "Get off me solace" I grunt. My voice was barely above a whisper. He let me go and got off and sat against the wall. "God damnit Nico-" his voice broke and he sobbed into his arms. I laid there staring at him. I wanted to cry but there were no tears. Then he pulled out a syringe. I whimpered as he brought it to my neck. "it'll help I promise" he said sticking it in. I winced and let the world go black.

solangleo (story plus later on smut)Where stories live. Discover now