trying again

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Will solace: (time skip to a month later)

   He's on his feet again.. that's good at least. He still hadn't fully forgiven me. That was fine, I know I'll have him soon enough. I smiled to myself. That day we kissed again went through my head. He had melted... He hasn't since. He keeps running away, avoiding me at all costs. I walked into the dining pavilion and went and sat at the far end of the table. I made little talk. Hes back and I'm still not happy.

    I told myself that this was going to happen, I knew it would happen so why am I... I just wanted to hold him, to do the things we used to do. I looked towards his table. He wasn't there of course. I ate a nice fillet of salmon and steamed broccoli buttered and seasoned, it was perfectly done to say the least. Still enough to keep me going but not so much that I kill my body. I looked up to the woods and there stood Nico. I could see him watching half behind a tree, when he realized I had seen him he dissapeared into the thicker trees.

   I got up and left. I went to the top of halfblood hill and sat by the tree. I started to play my ukulele.  I played the sound of silence. I didn't realize that everything had gone silent untill I stopped for a second. I looked around. I didn't see any birds, squirrels, nothing. I looked at the setting sun then I looked behind me to find Nico standing a couple feet away. He had his aviator on hhh~ why did he have to look so cute. I jumped to my feet when he didn't run away. "Will... I'll give you a second chance... I've done a lot of thinking and I think I'm ready" he stated. I walked up to him slowly.

   I looked down at him. "Can I... Please" I put my hands on either side of his now cherry red face. He thought for a second and then slowly nodded. I leaned down and kissed him softly. After a second he pushed into me more, and kissed me harder. after a few more seconds he pulled away. He blushed even harder and looked away down toward the big house. "I missed you... So much it was gut wrenching" he said through gritted teeth. I backed away slightly. It didn't sound like him but I knew it was. He had changed in the last few  months he was gone.

  "I missed you to... It was horrid Nico I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I was lost.." I took a shaky breath. He looked at me. "That person I was talking to... That day you first kissed me-" he got cut off as he fell to his knees holding his head. He groaned in pain. I started to go to him but he waved me away. He shook and started to become drenched in sweat, the beads of sweat on his forehead ran thick. His face was twisted into a pained expression. "Nico... You have to tell me what's wrong so I can help you!" I yelped.

  Blood drizzled out of his ears. "ITS SOMETHING!!! I CAN'T GET IT OUT!!" he screamed he started to double over but I caught him, there was foam coming from his mouth. I ran him to Chiron. I pounded on the door till he answered. He was in his wheelchair. "What's going on? What's wrong with Nico?" He asked after assessing the situation quickly. "He just screamed something was inside of him! It talks to him" I shouted bringing him inside and setting him on the meeting table.

  "I know what it is but, your going to have to leave for this..." He said the last part slowly. I looked down at Nico and back at him and nodded solemnly. I then looked at Nico one more time. His small fragile body shaking covered in sweat, his veins popping out glowing purple. I turned and went out the door. I sat on the porch and waited. After a few minutes I saw purple light reflecting from the room he was in and heard Nico screaming. It took all my strength not to run back in there. He kept screaming things like help me, please, and stop I beg you. It sounded like he was dying.

   After about 5 minutes everything died down. Light and sounds both gone. I knocked. "Come in" I heard Chiron respond. I went in quickly running straight to him. There were tears streaming down his face, but he was still. His breathing was shallow and slow. "He'll be this way for a couple days.. I'm surprised he wasn't dead already. The thing that was in him, takes over the host's brain, then takes over the body killing the host.  If removed in time though they can survive. They take a lot of energy from hosts so he'll need your help building it back up.." my face was white. I picked up Nico. He was so small, so light. "I'll have him in the infirmary then under close watch" I then turned on my heels and left.

solangleo (story plus later on smut)Where stories live. Discover now