this is all to much...

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   I was in a room a dark room in something that looked like a high chair. "Mmm...what..." I groggily looked up my vision blurry. Someone grabbed my face and suddenly they were in front of me. "Nico Diangleo... what a fine specimen you are, you'll be perfect for my wall but what to do with you..." I tried to move but my body felt thick. "Where... what?" I couldn't see straight.

   I was picked up and carried towards a surgical table and layed on it. I looked around trying to capture my bearings but I was so tired. "Your heart is definitely going into a jar... but I don't know if I want your head on my wall or if I want you to be a statue... permanently kneeling by my side." I felt a cold liquid being poured across my chest. I tried to focus on the person. "Wh...." Something was put into my mouth... a ball gag. I felt my wrists gently being tucked into shackles. I looked at them and then at the person my mind more clear now. I looked over to where the creature was reaching to see it picking up a scalpel.

   It definitely wasn't human, it was disgusting. I tried to speak and get away but the shackles made it impossible. "Now Nico calm down or it'll be way more painful then it already will be" the voice sounded like a woman but also a man. "Before I kill you I wanna watch you squirm but it makes it so much more tedious." I took in a breath. This isn't happening. Gods what I would give for Will to be here. I focused on a shadow in the wall as I tried to steady my breathing. The thing was right Infront of me now.

  "Good good now then let's get started." The scalpel touched my stomach and started to go down. I held back screaming as much as I could and finally a zombie appeared from the shadow in the wall. I mustered another zombie through the shadow before I couldn't do anymore. I felt blood pouring down. I didn't focus much on anything as the zombies killed it. They came over and got one of my hands unshackled before they disappeared back to my father's realm.

  I got myself unshackled and looked around. I had to close this... I held myself shut. This blood loss was gonna knock me out and fast. Finally I saw a needle and thread and some ambrosia sitting on a counter away from me. I slowly made my way to it and grabbed it and laid on the floor my body still feeling thcik. I threw up stomach acid for a minute before I went to sew myself shut.

  Suddenly I was awake. I looked around the cabin as I cluched my chest. I was covered in sweat and I was shaking. I also realized I had tears streaming down my face. Will was gone. The cabin was trashed to. I got up quickly and got dressed. I slipped my aviator on and went out of the cabin. It was still day time so will was probably out doing his counseling duties. I walked down to the river and sat down. That day I thought I was really going to die. I didn't and still don't remember how it got me. My body was so thick though.

  I sat there for hours just thinking. Having a clear mind was definitely still different. I had lived with that thing for months.... I don't even know when it first started... I started wracking my brain for a memory. "What are you doing?" I jumped and turned to the voice. "O..oh hi anabeth I'm just thinking about how nice it is to be back... It's beautiful today.." I looked back at the water.

She sat by me. "I have a question for you. You went through France right? When you were...away" I nodded and looked down. I didn't wanna think about France.... Stupid French accented monsters... "I need to know about this one monster there.. her names Scylla." My head snapped to her. That's a name I hoped I'd sooner forget. "she's already back." "Nico....are you ok? Your whiter than your normal white and your shaking" I chuckled. "don't go near her... Annabeth just don't..."

    I stared at the water black starting to cloud my vision. " What's so bad about her? I need you to tell me so I can get a strategy going" "ANNABETH NO..." I hadn't meant to scream... "Just...don't.... Go away...and don't go near Scylla. She did leave. And very angrily. She stormed off and I could feel the anger radiating from her body. Suddenly I was in France. no no... I looked up to see the ceiling with a hole 80 feet up with a giant fan rotating. I looked around the circular room. My breathing was unsteady. Fuck... The door to my left opened. Scylla walked in beautiful porcelain skin, milky white eyes and blood red lips and her fangs looked almost to good to be real. "Confinement .. who knew it hit you so hard. And the pomegranate seeds you have to live off of... Oh this must be so nostalgic for you Nico"

  I heard her 9 tailed whip crack. "don't worry Nico I'm here. Your not completely alone." One crack on my back. My head flung up and I cried out. The whip hitting the already raw bleeding flesh on my back hurts worse than imagined. "Oh Nico Don't you just miss will right now?" Another crack on my back. I tried to hold back the scream this time, Another crack. I was back again. In the forest by the river. Will was Infront of me, a needle sitting in my neck. I whined at him. I wanted his comfort. I wanted his touch.

  Slowly he took the needle out and capped it as I slowly layed against a tree. I felt sick as I stared at his feet. I wanted to pass out but I couldn't. "Nico?" Wills voice was soft as he crouched down next to me. "Hm?" I looked at him just barely and then let my head hang again. "How many of these have you had today?" "Three" finally sleep overcame me and I was gone.


solangleo (story plus later on smut)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora