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(massive fucking time skip lovleys going two years later)

Scylla has been taken down by a group of demi gods, her reign over Europe is over and Nico who is Az at the moment is nowhere to be found, disappearing shortly after being stabbed in battle alongside his wife. 


   I stumbled through an alley, the demigods behind me hunting me like blood hounds. I was slowly gaining my control back. Az was dying a little to slow. But his teather to this world was severed. I didn't know how to use my body anymore. I stumbled into a wall and fell down. I coughed as I looked up. "Foul beast, it's time to die" one of the huntress's said walking up, two more behind her.

  "Wait...wait" I held up my hands "trust me...the monster is gone...just a broken human left behind." I looked around. Things had changed... Or....I wasn't anywhere near camp right now. They stared at me and examined for a minute. "Nico Diangelo, we'll take you back to camp half blood" the one on the left side said. I went to grab the picture that will had left in my aviator only to find it had been replaced with a leather jacket. It had skeleton print down the arms and on the back I was sure.

  I growled and looked at myself more. I was still skinny and pale as all hell but I had a hair cut... My hair wasn't shaggy anymore. I was wearing a long sleeve black turtle neck, black skinny jeans that weren't ripped and I had chains on and attached to my pants. Props to Az for the shoes tho, black converse that went up almost to my knees. Those I could get behind. I was trying to stay calm. I was going to freak out. Two years... Trying to escape that thick, horrible prison. It was so lonely and degrading...

  I wanted to see with him but I also didn't want to hurt him. I don't know how but somehow we were already at the camp in the infirmary. I looked around, moving my head slowly becoming easier.  I took a deep breath as one of the huntress's laid me on a cot. Fuck...why now... Then there he was. He stared at me for a second. He still looked perfect. He had gained a little weight which looked good on him. But he always did in the winter which it was right now obviously since it was snowing outside.

  He came to me and looked me over. "Is it you? Nico? Is it really you?" I could tell he was trying to keep his voice from cracking. "Yeah...yeah it's me" I stared at him taking him in. Two years. The last thing I remember of him he was right there.... I was telling him to go. The pain on his face from back then still there now. I wasn't tired in any way shape or for yet I was still falling asleep. "Hey hey you can't fall asleep Nico" he shook me lifting my head. I looked at him for a second before my eyes started to close again. "Just a nap honey that's all" I tasted something in my mouth. My stomach grumbled and I ate whatever it was. Will shook me again. "Come on don't fall asleep" I felt some tingling in my stomach and then suddenly I was more alert.

  "Wi....will... Fuck.... I...." He shoved something in my mouth. "Don't talk eat that... Doctors orders..." His tone was sad. I couldn't tell what anything was that I was being forced to eat and drink. I was there for a few hours with Will after the huntress's left. He was trying to help me figure out my body movements. After an hour I was sitting up. Now we were working on my legs. He hadn't said much about anything yet. "So what's been going on with you Will?" He looked down. "Been stuck here, healing people that come back from the great battle with Scylla... I heard the story's about that thing using you as a meat suit. I don't like these clothes." He stopped the entire conversation over clothes.

  I chuckled. "I don't like them much either" he grabbed some scissors and put some holes in my jeans. "Where's your aviator?" I shook my head "I don't know anything that happened these last two years. I smiled for a second. The darkness... It was constantly consuming, lulling me off with it. 

  I stood up and walked a few feet to the infirmary bathroom. I looked at myself in the full length mirror will right at my side helping me keep steady. "My Gods I look terrible" the thing had my hair up greeser style, I had obvious muscle now bulging through the stupid black turtle neck. "well at least he worked out.." I looked over at will. "I just can't believe it's you...two years felt like and eternity..." I tried to hold back my cruel laughter but failed. "An eternity is fucking right." I looked around again. This wasn't going to end well. The air around us grew cold and mucky.

  "It was so dark will... And I was thick... And...the things he'd tell me" I cluched my head falling onto my butt. I laughed for a minute. "It was so painful, so...." I stopped and started at the floor. Pitiful... I started to cry. "The only thing I could think of... Was your face... The hurt look when I left..Will I...." He punched me in the mouth and I laid back looking up at him. I was expecting this but I also wasn't. " could you do easily... Give up..."

  I looked at him smiling. "Because I did it for you Will, I'd do anything for you anything, I swear" I couldn't help the laughter that followed. I grabbed my head my thought swirling. The world new and strange to me now. "Nico are... You ok?" He was worried now watching me. "I don't want you to see this will..but this ...I can't hide... This is me allllllll me" I stood up pinning him to the wall behind him quickly. "Will I won't hurt you I promise I can't but you need to take me somewhere else where I'm alone for a bit."

   "I...don't want you to be alone right now..." He looked at me a flash of fear in his eyes. Oh will... "I love you will I really do but I..." I looked at the wall by him suddenly everything was black. I was back in that black pool, Az was there stalking around the pool of gunk a taunting smile on his face. "There's almost nothing left of you Nico. You seem to be an empty shell, can you even feel anything anymore? Can you still love? Fear? Hate?" He stared down at me but I stayed silent staring down at the tentacle like sludge popping out of the good. "You know Nico the last year and a month has been the best of my entire 6000 years of existence."

     He was Infront of me now lifting my chin so my eyes would meet his "I see the insanity I'm bringing you Nico, the rage, the bloodlust, I see it all, you can't feel love noo no you can't feel pain or sadness, the only thing you have now is that burning hatred" he kissed me and I struggled against the slippery bonds. "Your gonna be here a while longer Nico, a long, long while" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "When I get out of here I'll kill your precious Scylla, and then I'll kill you very very slowly" I spat at him. He punched me in the jaw. "I'll be back to visit soon deary, don't go to far" he chuckled darkly and disappeared leaving me alone once again.

  The darkness was grueling. It felt like it was millennia before I got out to be with him again. Finally I was back to my senses. Will had me outside. We were in the forest and he was carrying me. He was shaking, had he seen everything. We werent moving. The air around us was freezing, the earth around us pitch black. The sun had gone down as the only light was bits from the moon. "W... wait was that..." I forced myself away from him. "Will, yes... That was where I was these last two years, that's what I went through, after that though he didn't come back.... I was left alone for 11 months out of this last year.." I looked around my mind flashing back and forth.

  I laughed as I fell on my knees. Fuckkk. "I don't know..." I said through laughing "I don't know if I know how to be a human anymore" I looked around and then at him. He was perfect standing there. A light amongst the darkness. I focused on him trying not to think of how badly I wanted to hurt something. "I'll help you Nico... I promise" I smiled at him. "Well you can start by going back to camp for a minute and I'll be there soon, okay? Find me some clothes...that aren't these.." he was hesitant but left me be. After a minute or two I let out a harsh scream.

  The air around me seemingly turned colder. My breath now way more visible. I punched the ground and the earth opened in multiple spots. I punched it again and again until there was a deep hole Infront of me. A skeleton popped out of the wall of dirt at the bottom and started climbing up. I waited till he got to the top. I drew my....not my sword. I growled at what I had grabbed. It was still a sword but the handle was gold, the blade itself was a perfect, unstained silver with gold and black roses vines and thorns going up it.

  The skeleton seemed to laugh at the sword. I swung at the skeleton quickly. Before it could even react it was dust. I don't remember being this fast before either. Two zombies came crawling out of the hole. Harder to kill. I swung by blade at one of them, the one I swung at blocking my sword with his own. I drew back and danced around him stabbing him in the back just as the second one stabbed me in the front right on my right side shoulder. I burst out in a laughing fit as I dropped the sword and charged the second one knocking it off it's feet. I was on top of him punching and punching and punching. Finally there was nothing left to punch, the zombie turning to dust.

  My hands were covered in blood. Only if it was my own, I couldn't feel it at the moment. I shook for a moment, sitting there staring into the hole. Finally I got up and walked back into the camp and into my old cabin where will was waiting for me with a fresh change of clothes and I was sure a lecture and some worry about my shoulder. I felt a little better now but the need to kill was almost uncontrollable. I wanted to kill everyone and everything.

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