Chapter 20 - Lucky (Sunday Morning)

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"Doa!" I scream. "No, don't!" I try to run toward her but YoungMi wraps her arms around me to hold me back.

But I know it's already too late. Dao looks over at all of us. We're all frozen in fear, our mouths hanging open. Then Dao looks directly at me. She gives me a sad smile. I shake my head, tears welling in my eyes. I know what that crazy bitch is thinking but I don't know how to stop her.

I know it all happens in a flash of a few seconds but, as I'm standing there in the moment, watching the horror unfold before me, it feels as if everything is moving in slow motion. Dao turns back to look at the gun pointed only inches from her face. She swallows. She glances over at the rest of us one more time. Then she sets her jaw and looks DaeHyun directly in his eyes. She's courageous even at the very end. I swear I actually see him swallow nervously too, even though he's the one holding the gun. He steadies his hand and takes aim.

"Don't!" I cry out again. But my best friend just gives me a knowing wink. I manage to twist free from YoungMi's grasp. I start to run toward Dao. I have no plan but I have to stop her. I know I won't be fast enough but I have to try.

Dao emits an animal-like scream as she lunges at DaeHyun. He squeezes the trigger but he's been too startled by her howl so his aim is off. The bullet actually ends up hitting one of his own men, who immediately drops to the ground and cries out in pain. Some of the girls let out screams, as well.

Doa collides forcefully with DaeHyun. His eyes grow wide with the realization of what Dao is really doing. DaeHyn's gun drops uselessly to the ground and he starts to claw at her. But it's too late. They are too close to the edge of the cliff and Dao is strong. Dae Hyun's jaw drops open in a silent scream. He continues to flail in her arms. She holds on tight and pushes forward with all of her might. They tumble together.

I leap toward her with a grunt of determination but I stumble. I'm sprawled out on the ground and she's too far away. I can't reach her. I call her name as I watch them disappear over the bluff's threshold. I scamper to the edge, screaming her name over and over.

"Dao!" I gasp and sit up. I look around frantically in confusion. Where am I? Where is Doa?

I realize that I'm in my room. I'm in my bed. I have been dreaming. I put my hand on my chest. My heart is still racing. I am covered in sweat. I have been dreaming of Dao again. I take several deep breaths in an effort to calm myself.

I pick up my phone to check the time. Nine thirty-two. I groan and flop back down on my pillow. Not exactly the crack of dawn but I hadn't gotten home from the bar until well after two in the morning. I hadn't gone to bed until probably three. However, I've been asleep just long enough that there's no way my body would allow me to go back to sleep. My head feels foggy but my mind is still reeling from the nightmare that has just jolted me awake.

I drop my phone back onto my side table and groan again. I rub my eyes and then kick my feet in frustration. I guess I'll just get up now, do something productive, but then take a nap before work tonight. I can't keep going like this. I'll be a zombie. Tonight I'm definitely going to take a sleeping pill to help get a full night's sleep without any dreams.

I shuffle through my morning routine. Once I'm showered and dressed, my stomach growls for breakfast. It's then that I remember that there is no food in my house and that I need to do some grocery shopping today. I'm still not great at living alone and taking care of myself. I am used to living in survival mode and being told when to eat and what to wear, etc. Having to make decisions for myself takes intentional effort now as I recover. Thankfully, my therapist assures me that in time I will be able to build the kind of reflexive habits of self-care that most typically functioning adults have.

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (☁️🥰 Fluffy Version)Where stories live. Discover now