Chapter 15 - Bank (Sunday)

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We push through the crowd of people and hustle out onto the platform before the subway doors close. But then ChaMin stops suddenly to check his phone. We all try to control the momentum gained from jumping off of the train but it's too late to stop so short. Title bumps into me, I bump into JiHoon, and Title JiHoon bumps into ChaMin. ChaMin curses.

"We're going to be late! Let's go!" He barks at us.

Without hesitating, the four of us burst into a sprint. The most difficult part of weaving in and out of the hordes of people milling about the station was that only ChaMin and JiHoon actually know the way to the dojang. So Title and I not only need to avoid knocking into strangers, but we have to keep close tabs on ChaMin and JiHoon so we don't get lost, as well. I see that Title is falling behind and starting to pout in frustration. I have to admit that it's a tiny bit adorable but I don't really have time to think about that. I reach out and grab his hand tightly.

"Come on! Stay with me!" I scold him. He looks startled and initially starts to pull away but changes his mind and squeezes my hand back. His skin is so smooth and his palm feels warm against mine. I take his bag from him with my other hand. He gives me a small smile of appreciation.

"You comin'?! Let's go!" JiHoon calls back to us. I hoist our bags up on my shoulder and continue running towards him. The station is packed and we are dodging other pedestrians left and right. Some people holler at us as we race by but that just made us laugh and run faster.

ChaMin is guiding us, followed closely by JiHoon. JiHoon had started going to taekwondo a few weeks prior so he should also know the way pretty well too, but he seems to be holding back so that ChaMin can be the leader. By the time we come flying out of the subway stairway, we are already huffing and puffing. Title looks at me with pleading eyes. He hates running.

"I think we're almost there. We can't stop now. Come on!" I give his hand a squeeze of encouragement. He gives me a tiny nod and we soldier on. Now we're navigating the congested streets of Seoul, which means that we're not only maneuvering around other people but also sidestepping mopeds, taxis, and buses. My chest is starting to burn, my shoulder is feeling the bite of the gym bags, and I'm aware of how sweaty my hands have become.

Finally, mercifully, ChaMin stops in front of a modest two-story, cement-colored building. We all pause to catch our breath. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the window of the building door. My face, like the others', is bright red and wet with perspiration. I begrudgingly release Title's hand and use the bottom of my t-shirt to wipe my face off. The other guys follow suit.

"We made it in time," ChaMin finally announces in between gulps of air. "Let's get inside."

Each of us bow and we cross the threshold of the building. ChaMin shows us the way back to the locker room so we can change and drop off our bags before class starts. Title thanks me warmly as I hand him back his duffel. I splash cold water in my face and even run some through my hair. I shake the bottom of my shirt to encourage air circulation. We put our belongings into the gym lockers and head into the dojang for class.

"Have you ever done this before?" Title whispers to me nervously.

"I haven't since I was a kid," I answer honestly as I look around at the other men and women in the room. It's a pretty large class. "I'm starting to have second thoughts now."

Title sucks his teeth. "Oh please. You're naturally athletic. Within minutes, I'm sure it will all come rushing back to you and you'll look better than the instructor. I'm the only one who will be embarrassing myself here."

I snort. "I doubt it! But it will be fun either way. We'll stick together and follow whatever those two idiots do." He gestures to JiHoon and ChaMin, who have already started to help each other do some stretching.

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