Chapter 14 - Keep (Sunday)

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As I walk across the alleyway from Mint and Cake's apartment to Lucky's building, I already have my phone in hand. Lucky texts back immediately that he's on his way home and that I can meet him at his apartment. I jam my phone back in my pocket and I realize I have picked up my pace.

I push through the front doors of a building I've been in countless times before but suddenly something feels very different as I stand inside there. The hallway is eerily quiet. There's a strange feeling in the air.

"Lucky?" I call out. I don't know exactly how close he was to being home when he texted.

I press the elevator call button. The doors open instantly. I step inside and absentmindedly begin to smooth down my hair and shirt. I guess I'll just wait outside his apartment door. I've never been there before, but thanks to his noisy, little 2-man party with ChaMin last night, I know that he's on the third floor.

I hop off the elevator and pause. Should I have waited downstairs in the lobby? Is it creepy for me to be waiting by his door? Maybe I should just wait here by the elevator? Should I go back downstairs? The elevator doors close behind me and the lift leaves me alone with my thoughts.

While I stand there pondering my own stupidity, I'm also still very aware of the weird, electric vibe I'm feeling in the air. Seriously, why is this hallway so quiet right now? I'm feeling apprehensive for no reason. What is going on? Suddenly the elevator dings again and I jump a mile. I turn to face the opening doors.

I see the figure standing on the other side of the elevator doors and I am immediately struck by lightning. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I realize I'm experiencing deja vu.

A man steps into the hallway. There he is. His all-black hoodie is pulled over his head. A cluster of curls peeks out over his forehead. A solid black mask covers most of his face but it only accentuates his large, dark eyes. It's him. My mouth is ajar and my eyes stare, unblinking. I'm paralyzed.

It's him. It's him! The guy from the police station the other day. He was leaving while I was coming in. His hand touched mine and I felt an instant connection of some kind. I cannot explain it. It's definitely him. But what's he doing here?

He raises his hand and a couple of his fingers hook onto the mask loop behind his ear. I am mesmerized. Is this really happening? He pulls the cover away from his face. At first, all I can see is a bright light shining in my eyes. I blink hard to refresh my eyes. I see a wide smile beaming between two adorable dimples.

"Hi Keep!" Lucky calls out brightly. "Have you been waiting long?"

"Lucky?" I ask in disbelief.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow. "Is everything okay? Do you want to come in?" He unlocks his door and pushes it open.

"It's you."

"Of course it's me." He points at his own face and makes a cutesy expression. "What do you mean? Did you forget who you were coming to see?" He tosses his head in the direction of his apartment.

"It was you. At the police station."

The smile falls immediately from his face. "Wh-wha-what do you mean?"

"It was you!" I repeat, louder this time and pointing. "It was you at the police station."

Lucky giggles uncomfortably. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me. I saw you. You saw me. At the police station! Our hands touched!"

Lucky blushes and a tiny, shy smile forms on his lips. "Our hands touched."

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (☁️🥰 Fluffy Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora