Chapter 4 - Title (Friday afternoon)

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"I got the door," says Bank as he shifts all of his bags to one hand and presses the security code into the building door with the other. We hear the familiar chimes that let us know that the door is unlocked and he pulls it open with his free hand. He steps aside to let me in and then follows me in. He repeats the same routine at our apartment door, as well.

"What a gentleman you are, Bank," I tease but the smile I flash at him is sincere. He always does thoughtful things like holding open doors and offering to carry heavy things.

"That's how I got the reputation I have now," he replies with a bow. Then he opens the fridge, puts his bags down on the floor, and kneels down to put the groceries away.

"Oh right!" I howl with laughter as I place my bags on the counter and start emptying their contents.

He turns to me with a look of feigned shock. "Why? What have you heard about me, Title?"

"Let's ask JangMi. She definitely mentioned falling for you because of your manners!" I reply with a sly head tilt. "Where is she, anyway?"

Bank turns back to the fridge and I see his shoulders shrug. "She said she had plans with some friends." He stays facing towards the refrigerator for a moment. I hear him sigh. He turns back to me with a face that looks artificially bright. "We'll see her at work tonight, so it doesn't matter."

"Does she know about the meeting?" I wonder.

Bank shrugs again but doesn't say anything. We stand there in silence for a beat. Something feels off. It's funny. Bank and JangMi have been 'together' for about 6 months but it feels like I spend way more time with Bank then she does. Sadly, I'm not too surprised by her behavior.

I've known JangMi for practically my whole life and she's always been like that in relationships. She just never really takes them seriously. We grew up together in the same neighborhood and I saw the same patterns repeat over and over. She purposely picks partners who seem to have a similar attitude about romance so it works out...until it doesn't. Eventually the partner wants something more serious and so she breaks up with them or the partner moves on to someone else who is more serious about the relationship and they break up with JangMi. I don't know why she's like this. I know she cares for Bank. She just can't ever seem to be able to fully commit to any one relationship.

I love spending time with Bank, though, so I certainly don't mind. He's quickly becoming one of my closest friends. I feel guilty admitting this since I'm not sure what that means for when they break up. I'll really miss him when he moves out of our apartment but I can't very well kick JangMi out since we signed the lease together! I'm also not looking forward to watching Bank's heart get broken since it seems that he really cares for JangMi, as well. I'm worried about him but I don't know how to broach the topic with him without betraying my oldest friend.

If I could ever get a minute alone with JangMi, I'd confront her about it. But lately, she's been very flighty. I can't seem to pin her down. We're too busy at work, plus Bank is always there and there is no privacy. And when we're not at work, she disappears. So I just keep my mouth shut about it and enjoy my time with Bank for now.

Suddenly he turns and closes the refrigerator firmly. I jump when the sound interrupts my wandering thoughts. I look over at him with eyebrows raised.

"I'm going to take a shower before work," he says with another shrug. He sighs again. He walks past me without looking at me.

"Ooookaaaaay...?" I reply carefully. Why does it feel like he's upset about something right now? Is he angry about JangMi not being around? Nah. He's too chill for that. I'm probably overthinking it. I'm the kind of person that would be bothered by that but that's because I'm not very cool. I'm totally insecure. It's lame.

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (☁️🥰 Fluffy Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz