Chapter 10 - Lucky (Saturday night)

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I'm back in the same place where I passed out not even 24 hours before. However, this time, everything feels different. The whole bar is positively buzzing with optimism. After hearing Keep's ideas, Cake and Mint called another emergency staff meeting. This time, JiHoon was there to chime in, as well, since he and Keep had done the original brainstorming at the gym together.

The rest of the crew was just as receptive as the three of us who had first heard the ideas only hours earlier. In fact, the ideas were met with whoops and whistles of mass approval. Even though I am brand new to the team, I can't help but feel a part of the excitement. This is a group of people who clearly care very much about each other. And this bar seems to be like a second home to them. You can't help but root for them.

It's 10:00 PM now and the bar is alive with energy. The lights are low and the music is loud. Although it's not as crowded as it could or should be, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses is everywhere. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but I'm also inexplicably happy to be back to work at the bar.

Out of nowhere, I am bum-rushed from behind. Long, thin arms wrap around my shoulders and I hear ChaMin's voice ring out, "Lucky!"

I untangle myself and turn around to face him. I should feel embarrassed after what happened last night but I can't help but smile at this warm welcome.

"Hey, ChaMin!"

"Are you okay? How are you feeling? We came to see you yesterday but you were still sleeping. What happened yesterday, anyway?"

"Whoa!" I held up my hands but didn't really feel defensive. I couldn't help but laugh. His earnestness was endearing. "I'm okay. I feel okay. I'm happy to be here. So don't worry about me." Then I pull a sly grin. "And who's 'we'? Who is the 'we' who came to see me yesterday?"

ChaMin flushed and stuttered. "Um, JiHoon and I. Did you meet him yet?"

"Is he your-"

"No!" He cuts me off before I can even finish my question. "Sorry but I know what you're going to ask and the answer is no. JiHoon is nobody's boyfriend...and also kind of everybody and anybody's boyfriend, if you know what I mean." I raise an eyebrow. He's attempting to make a joke but his face looks so glum that it makes me want to cry.

"Well, it was really nice of you guys to come check on me and I'm sorry I missed it. But I'm okay! So don't worry about anything and let's just get to work. There's still a lot I need to learn!"

ChaMin's expression changes back to its typical happy state. "I got you! You are a fast learner. You were doing great last night. Closing routine is probably the most difficult part. You'll know pretty much everything by the end of tonight. Let's get to the bar and see what they need first." He throws an arm around my neck and we gallop over like two giddy children.

A few hours later and, just like the previous night, I am drenched in sweat. And maybe it sounds stupid, but it feels really good. I guess you could count this as my second job ever. And it's obviously way better than my first job was. Obviously. Especially when you consider that my first job was more like an indentured servitude...But anyway, everyone here is just so nice. It also feels good to do physical labor. I had gotten so weak while I was in recovery from my first job. That's probably part of why I fainted so easily last night. Even with the PTSD, if I was physically stronger and healthier, I probably wouldn't have actually passed out; maybe just had a little panic attack. But if I keep having nights like this, with all this running back and forth and heavy lifting, I should be in good shape in no time.

"Lucky! ChaMin!" Mint hollers over to us as we were wiping down some tables. "Go take a break once you're done with that section!"

"Got it!" ChaMin and I salute and then laugh like idiots for no reason. Mint rolls his eyes but salutes back with a smile.

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (☁️🥰 Fluffy Version)Where stories live. Discover now