Chapter 16 - Keep (Saturday, 2 weeks later)

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"It's going to be fine. It's going to be great, actually." I sling my right arm around Cake's shoulder and my left arm around Mint's shoulder as we push through our unusually crowded bar. "You'll see. I've listened to my buddy spin before. He's awesome." I smile calmly but Cake and Mint are looking at me with furrowed brows. This bar is truly their baby and they don't trust just anyone with their baby.

"I gave him the banned song list. I'll be here all night in case there's a problem. Plus...," I gesture to the crowded bar. Bodies were already crammed in every corner of the space, especially around the DJ booth, dancefloor, and, most importantly, the bar, "Look at how many people have come to hear him spin! I knew this would happen. He's ridiculously popular."

It's been about two weeks since we decided to put this "Thai Night" plan into action. We've been working day and night to prepare. We've been making tons of announcements on social media. We've secured partnerships with Thai restaurants. I asked my buddy to DJ so I would be free to help more with the administrative end of things tonight.

Cake and Mint look around and then look at each other. Cake winks at Mint and Mint grins. Tonight felt like a grand re-opening of sorts.

"You're right," Mint says. "We don't doubt you. This was a great idea. We're just nervous because we're excited."

"Focus on keeping the drinks coming," I respond. "Focus on making money. If this works out, this could be something that saves the bar."

We all smile hopefully at each other and, without speaking, we all lean in for a group hug. Suddenly, I feel the sharp pressure of another body slamming into mine from behind, crushing me against the couple hugging me.

"Oof!" I exclaim. "What the...?" I twist around to see who I have to murder.

"JiHoon!" Cake and Mint groan. Mint lunges at him while Cake throws his head back in laughter.

"Idiot!" I call out affectionately, swinging lazily at him. JiHoon dodges me and laughs even harder.

"Come on!" he says. "Since you have the night off from DJing, come help me man the doors."

I put my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay! Sorry! I didn't realize you needed help!"

JiHoon turns to the guys with a wide grin. "There's an actual line forming outside around the building! I've got a good feeling about tonight. I think this crazy idea might actually work!"

Cake and Mint beam. They turn to each other. Mint pounces on Cake to give him a huge hug. Cake lifts Mint up and twirls him around. It is so sweet. It's the happiest I've seen them in a long time. They have been so stressed about the bar's money problems. It's so nice to see them smiling like this again.

"Alright, alright," JiHoon groans. He grabs my arm. "Let's give these lovebirds some privacy. We've got work to do."

"Hey!" Cake scowls playfully as he puts Mint down. "We've got work to do, too! We hired several people to help with the food orders tonight but, judging by this crowd, I have a feeling it was not not enough people."

"Plus, we'll be doing extra laps for bussing. I don't think Lucky and ChaMin will be able to handle this alone," adds Mint.

JiHoon and I burst into applause. Cake and Mint bow. I turn to JiHoon.

"Let's stop by the bar first," I offer. "I bet they're getting slammed. Let's make sure they're okay."

JiHoon gives me a wicked grin. "You just want to check on Lucky."

"What? Me? Lucky? What do you...?" My voice trails off and I shrug helplessly. I run my hands through my hair and blow a pfffffft through my lips in exasperation. But then an idea strikes me and I look pointedly at JiHoon. "Don't you want to check on ChaMin?"

Ice Cream Bar, Book 1: Keep Lucky (☁️🥰 Fluffy Version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن