Chapter 10 - Rave, Oscar and Sonya's Story

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Kaida: Oh my God, Rave! Rave?! I knew I shouldn't let you use your magic to heal, but you won't listen?! Don't worry pal, I'll go get some ingredients to help you. I'll be right back!

Kaida left his partner to search for what he needs to make a medicine, but for what he didn't know or neither of them didn't knew, is that a young boy and his aunt came approach the unconscious ninja who was very wounded.

The boy and his aunt had both found Rave while they were on their way back home but only they found the unconscious boy without any explanation. At first glance it would be easy to assume he was dead, but thankfully, a closer examination revealed he was in fact alive and needs to be treated his wounds, from they thought that he just got marks of new scars from who or what. They decided to take Rave with them so he can be treated.

A few minutes later, the little dragon came back with lots of ingredients but he realized that his partner is gone.

Kaida: What the-?! Rave, where are you?! Did someone got him? I need to go find him, quick before anything happens to him!

He drops his ingredients and went to find his partner, very worried and determined to find him before anything happens to him.


After he woke up from his unconsciousness and being treated by the same people who have found him, the boy, known as Oscar along with his aunt both explained things happened to Rave and why his wounds were treated. Rave then told them that he doesn't have a place to go after the sudden incident during the beacon and told them everything but except the main reason why it all happened.

As you can see, Rave doesn't want to go back to Raven and her tribe, deciding to leave the tribe for good.

Oscar and his aunt both gestured for Rave to stay with them as he offered to help them in return after what they did.

Rave did everything he could to help Oscar and his aunt around the farm that they were living in.

Kaida showed up when he found his partner when his partner was talking to Oscar and hang on with Oscar. At first Oscar was shocked at first, but Rave explained things to Oscar that the little dragon isn't a Grimm, isn't a bad little creature, but he's a good creature and guardian but he wants Oscar to keep the little dragon a secret from his aunt and from everyone he knew, which the boy agrees.

Rave and the little dragon both living with Oscar in his aunt ever since that after the day of the Fall of Beacon. Rave blamed himself for all of this happened and he even blamed himself for trusting Emerald and not getting his plans gotten ready sooner and most importantly that he failed his friends, his family and even his loved one.

Rave Soyama was a loyal son to his master, his father.

He was the best brother to his adoptive siblings.

He was the best friend that his friends and the other people that he met.

And finally, he was the perfect lover...

He seemed so much happy after going to the Remnant when he left home...

But after he and his formal team had failed Ozpin, Beacon and everyone else in Vale, including the loss of Ben Hunter. Something changed with him. He was so distant and angry, but trying to keep himself calm from losing his emotions, losing out of control.

He started training non-stop after he's done with chores. Sometimes, he would train until he passed out from exhaustion.

Kaida, on the other hand, tried so hard to understand Rave, but every time he tried to talk to him, he'd shut him out...

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