Chapter 4 - The Fall of Beacon; part 4/Final

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Qrow: It's alright, I gotcha kiddo.

Lily: Oh my oum! Ruby, Pyrrha! Wait, where's Ben?!

Kaida: What the hell happened to you guys and where is Ben? Oh my god, don't tell me...

Taiyang: Ugh, nothing.

Qrow: Just turn it off. Without the CCT, there's no point.

Taiyang: Communication down across the entire way to contact the outside world...and Ozpin's still missing.

Qrow, Lily, Kaida & Rave: Yes.

Taiyang: This is bad, guys.

Qrow: Yes, this is bad.

Iroh: Very indeed.

Kaida: What are we going to do now, guys?! I mean, this is bad and I mean every entire thing is bad, even got worse than bad!!!

Rave: I don't know...I just don't know...we failed Beacon, we failed everything, I failed you...I failed you all...


In Ruby's bedroom of her home, Ruby was laying in her bed unconscious. Her eyes were starting to open and she set up and saw her father and Iroh both sitting in a couple of chairs at the corner of her bed sleeping. Ruby breathed heavily and it woke up her father and Iroh.

Taiyang & Iroh: Ruby!

Taiyang and Iroh both smiles to see Ruby is okay and awake before Tai ran to her bedside and kneeled down by it as Iroh walked over to them.

Taiyang: You're awake!

Ruby: What happened?

Taiyang: Your uncle Qrow and team REBL both found you unconscious. But they got you though; they got you home safe.

Taiyang explained.

Ruby: Yang and Roxas! Are they both alright?

Iroh: Uh...well...Yang's alright, but to Roxas, we're both not sure exactly.

He answered before he continues explaining.

Iroh: Though, Yang's kinda...traumatized by what happened to Roxas. Your father and I both think it's gonna take them some time to get used to things. Yang told us everything.

Taiyang: Heck, if Roxas wasn't there, she probably would have lost her arm by now. We're glad to have our kids back.

Ruby: What about the school?! And Vale! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?

Ruby asked.

Taiyang: Things in Vale are under control. Though, the school? It's...It's not that simple.

Taiyang g: That thing that attacked the school it doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did do a number on it. But, it's not disappearing. It...more...frozen. I know it doesn't sound too bad, but it keeps attracted more Grimm to the school.

Ruby: Hmm?

Taiyang: What?

He asked his daughter.

Ruby: You said I did a number on it. What do you mean?

Ruby questioned.

Taiyang: I...

He trailed off before he continues but however he doesn't want to talk about it as Iroh looked away from Ruby as if he doesn't want to talk about it.

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