Chapter 1.3 - The two girls in Black and White with Visions...

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~ Normal pov ~


In the unknown place, a girl in black and the other girl in white both sits alone, sitting on their own chairs, across from each other. Both of the girls are wearing their own surroundings match the short sundress and sandals they both wear but in different colors and the blank sketch pad canvas in their own hands.

The girl in white reaches over to a white desk, picking up the pencil laying there. With a quick thought, she decides to draw.

The silent room suddenly comes alive with the skittering sound of pencil and paper, the girl in white working quickly and efficiently to draw out the picture in her mind.

It comes to life within minutes, the girl in white's deft hand quickly bringing her idea to life. It's a familiar academy, though far from the normal preconceived image of one. This is the Beacon Academy, usually it was just a perfect place for all the students who wanted to become a huntsmen and huntresses, what the brightest day of all time. But however, it was far from the brightest day of all time, from what she draw is the almost destroyed academy with the flames of chaos and the dark creatures surround them, with the people rather ran away or dead or survived.

The girl shudders just to look at it before she looks at the girl in black who was looking straight at the girl in white, who apparently had already drawn an image from her mind, before showing the girl in white of the same academy with dark aura around it, she then turned the page to reveal the three teams; team RWBY, team JNPR and team REBL with a sad look on her face, meaning one of their own fates will fall...including...the academy...


RWBY and REBLS Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя