Chapter 0.3 - Prologue: Black and Navy Blue

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A young girl named Blake Belladonna sits on a rock, watching red leaves drift down in the red forest.

Adam Taurus walks up to her.

Adam: Blake, it's time.

Adam said and Blake was suddenly texting someone on the scroll before she slowly turns toward him.

Blake: Okay.

Before Blake could put her scroll away, she suddenly got a text from someone and she read it real quick before she smiled and redness has suddenly appeared on her face as she's blushing before she shook herself out as she has the main mission to do as the redness on her face is gone and she put her scroll away.

The pair run through the forest, until they reach a cliff, drifts down to show a train rushing through the forest along some tracks. Adam and Blake slide down the hill and jump onto the top of the train, digging their own weapons into the roof, as they land.


Meanwhile, in the shadows of the forest, a young boy named Rave Soyama is hiding in the shadows as he is leaning against the tree, he then suddenly got a text as he got the scroll out, revealing that he got the text from someone that he deeply cares the most.

"Blake": Rave, it's time.

Rave texted her back from his scroll.

"Rave": I'll be right there, Blake. Please be safe.

Rave put his scroll away and got out of his own shadows, revealing himself.

Rave: I hope your plan works, Blake.

Rave says and he suddenly ran through the forest until he reach a cliff, drifts down to show a train rushing through the forest along some tracks. He also saw Blake and Adam are both already on top of the roof before they upon boarding it the two of them jump onto another car, he saw Adam slashes at a hatch before lifting it as Blake and Adam both enters a car. Rave slide down the hill and jump onto the top of the train, digging his katana into the roof as he land.

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