Chapter 12: Ladder

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"Will the Duke not be joining?" I asked out of curiosity

"Unfortunately, the Duke has other business to attend to this morning," Carter tells me "For you, Lady Y/N, your wedding dress will be arriving this afternoon,"

Afternoon, Friday, May 23rd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
After trying on the dress, I decided to take some time to rest by heading to the library. I wanted to look for a specific book, A Sentimental Journey, by Laurence Sterne, one of my favorite books. I looked high and low at the shelves looking for it. I knew it was in the library because I remember seeing it not too long ago.

Finally, I found it on the shelf, but it was quite high for me to reach by standing. Luckily, there was a ladder with wheels to help me with that. I wheeled the ladder towards the specific shelf and started to climb upwards. As I reached for the book, I lost my footing and began to fall backward.

"Careful, Lady Y/N!"

A pair of hands then caught me before I landed on the ground. I looked up to see the face of Tom holding me as if he was holding a bride. The book was still locked in my arms. Tom's face was full of worry and concern but then returned to his normal stoic face.

"Are you alright?" he asks as he puts me down back on my two feet

"Yes, thank you, Your Grace," I said looking up at him

"If you needed to reach a book that high up, you could've asked one of the butlers or maids to help you," he tells me "What book were you planning to read?"

"A Sentimental Journey..." I tell him

"Have you read it before?" he asked

"Yes, I have," I tell him

"What do you think of it?"

"Well...I think it's good. What do you think of the book?" I ask, he then pauses and starts to think for a moment

"I think it's...good too," he tells me, I slightly smile at his words "Lady Y/N, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night, it was inappropriate of me,"

"It's alright. I apologize for my behavior last night too, I was acting rashly which isn't common for me. Do you accept my apology?" I ask

"Yes. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'll be returning to my study. And please remember to be careful next time," he then excused himself and left the library

I sat down by the nearest sofa and started to read. It was a lovely day today, the sun was shining through the window and warming up my skin, giving it a nice glow. It was peaceful and I felt in peace.

Night, Friday, May 23rd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
The sun started to set leaving the skies in an orange-pink hue. It was beautiful.

"Lady Y/N," 

I turned my head around and saw Amelia standing by the library entrance.

"It's time for supper," she tells me

"Thank you, Amelia," I then got up and placed the book down so I could return to it once I finished eating

When I made it to the dining hall, I was greeted by the smell of roast beef, fresh bread, and vegetables. I noticed Tom was already in his seat at the end of the table. I took my seat and we started to eat. As per usual it was quiet, but it wasn't tense. There was a sense of comfortability in the air.

After we finished eating, we went our separate ways. He returned to his study, while I returned to the library. I continued reading until Amelia told me the bath was ready. As I was sitting in the tub I started to think. Who is Tom? Even though I've been staying with him for a couple of days, I still know nothing about him. 

Before coming here, I had no intention of getting to know him, I just wanted to have a mutual relationship. Now I want to get to know him, but with his distanced and cold demeanor, I think it's going to be a challenge. 

I then submerged under the bathwater.

A Couple Days Later, Morning, Tuesday, May 27th, 1800

Y/N's POV:
It was the day before the wedding. A lot of preparations are being made. The maids are cleaning every corner of the manor. I wasn't exactly sure what my role was in this wedding besides getting married, I wasn't exactly sure what to help out with. Ever since the day at the library, I haven't gotten the chance to talk with Tom. Something then bumps into me, it was a young maid holding sheets of fabric.

"Sorry, my lady!" she says curtsying

"It's quite alright..." I said with a smile "What are you planning to do with those sheets?"

"Well, I'm taking them to get it washed before the wedding, my lady," she says still looking down

"Could you take me there?" I asked, she then looked up at me with confusion

"Why would you want to go there, my lady?"

"I'm still unfamiliar with the manor, so it would be nice to show me," I tell her, she then nods her head and takes me there

It was in a different building that was a couple hundred meters away from the manor. Maids were brushing and scrubbing the different fabrics. When I passed them they all looked at me with a confused face.

"Thank you all for your hard work," I said bowing

"It's quite alright, my lady. After all, we do this for a living," an older woman says

"I would like to pay the favor back by helping you out," I said with a smile, the older woman looked. at me with disbelief "May I?"

I referred to her seat, and she nodded her head and allowed me to sit, I then grabbed the sheet and started to brush and scrub it in the soapy water. A few hours go by, I am acquainted with every maid in the manor. We all had a good time and when we were done brushing and scrubbing we hung the sheets on a line.

"Is France as magical as it sounds, my lady?" a maid asks

"Yes. The music, the food, everything is beautiful. You ought to visit when you're on break!" I tell her

Tom's POV:
I was staring out of the window, looking at Lady Y/N smiling with all of the maids. I then smiled and returned to my desk. 

At least she won't be lonely anymore when I'm not here.

Yours Truly | Tom Riddle x Fem-ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora