Chapter 11: Ballroom Dancing

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"We're all heading to the ballroom, Your Grace," I tell him, he then stares back at the disappearing crowd

"Yes, of course," he says getting up "Shall we?"

"Of course," I said plastering a smile on my face as we both walked out of the dining hall together

Who were you looking for?

Evening, Thursday, May 22nd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
Tom and I walked into the glamorous ballroom. People were already dancing in the center, and those who weren't were on the side gossiping about the latest news or chatting about their booming businesses. The next song was then playing, and new people joined the center. I then felt Tom tugging me toward the center of the ballroom. His actions took me aback. The music then started to play, and we started to dance.

"Just act like you're enjoying it," he whispers as he twirls me around "We have to fool people into thinking that we're going to have a happy marriage."

"Of course," I said plastering a smile

Of course, this is all an act.

Tom's POV:
I lied. Yes, it matters that we have to be seen as a happy, engaged couple for the alliance, but that wasn't the reason why. I only took her on the dance floor because I'd been hearing other men plan to seduce her and take her to bed to wed with her. Ever since we've walked in, people have described how desirable she is. I agree that she is beautiful, but my pride would never allow me to say it out loud.

"Who were you looking for?" she asks, as I twirled her around

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Earlier in the dining hall, you were looking around as if you were looking for someone," I tell him

"I wasn't looking for anyone," I said clearing my throat

"Really?" she asks in an offended voice

"Why are you still pushing with the topic?" I said raising my voice slightly

"I've heard people talking," she says "About you having a mistress on the side,"

"Are you being paranoid right now? And you trust noblewoman gossip more than me?" I ask

"It's hard to trust a man when they barely utter a word at you," she scoffs

"You're being delusional. I do not have a woman on the side and I do not even intend on having a mistress any time in the future," I tell her and squeeze her hand a bit tighter "And do you think that this is the best place to address these concerns? In front of all these people? I hope you don't act like this in the future. You need to grow up and be mature. It's time to think logically and not emotionally,"

The music then slowly ended and people were exiting or entering the center. 

"Let's...Let's just go back to the manor," I sighed and released her hand, she didn't say anything, but she silently agreed as she followed me to bid the King and Queen goodbye

"Leaving already?" Queen Bethany asks

"Apologies, Your Majesty. We had a wonderful time here at your banquet. Thank you for your hospitality," I say bowing

"It was lovely meeting you, Your Majesties. I hope to see you at the next gathering," Y/N says with a smile and curtsies 

"You're very welcome," she says with a smile, King Nicholas nodded his head

Y/N and I then headed out of the palace and into the carriage. The ride was silent. Y/N didn't utter a word, instead, she was fidgeting with her gloves and staring out the carriage window.

Y/N's POV:
We then arrived at the manor and I made my way inside. Amelia was waiting by the door and followed me up the stairs.

"Good night, Lady Y/N," I hear Tom say in a calm voice, I gripped the handrail and didn't dare to look back 

"Good night, Duke Tom," I say, I then proceed to walk up the steps and into the hallway that leads to my room

Tom's POV:
She retreated into her room and there was a large thud, as the large heavy doors closed. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"How was the banquet, Your Grace?" 

I turned around and saw Carter who had witnessed everything.

"It wasn't anything great," I tell him, I then felt a throbbing pain in my forehead and winced 

"Is it happening again, Your Grace?" Carter then looks at a nearby butler "Get the doctor!"

"Of course, sir," he says running

Carter then assists me and takes me to a room underneath the manor's ground. He then lays me on the bed takes a wet towel and dabs my head.

"How many times has this happened this month already?" Carter asks as he wrings the towel

"Three, I believe. Carter...Lady Y/N is forbidden to leave her room until I am well and she is forbidden to know about this, do you understand? She cannot see me like this," 

"Understood, your grace,"

Late Morning, Friday, May 23rd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
"What is going on?" I asked Amelia as she got me dressed

"I'm not exactly sure," she says "The other maids told me that the Duke has ordered you not to leave your room until he says so,"

"This is probably punishment for the conversation that we had yesterday," I sighed

Perhaps I went too far. I touched the pearl necklace hanging on my neck, then looked up to face the mirror. Why am I behaving like this all of a sudden? Am I that desperate to get his attention? I have never acted like this before. What is wrong with me?

There was then a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said getting up from my seat. Carter then entered my chambers

"Is everything alright?" I asked

"Everything is fine, Lady Y/N. Your breakfast has been prepared," he says with a smile and fidgets with his glove

Judging by his fake smile and hand gesture everything is not fine. But this time I will not pry. I nodded and followed him down the stairs and into the dining hall where only one plate was sitting.

"Will the Duke not be joining?" I asked out of curiosity

"Unfortunately, the Duke has other business to attend to this morning," Carter tells me "For you, Lady Y/N, your wedding dress will be arriving this afternoon,"

Yours Truly | Tom Riddle x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now