Chapter 3: Jam on Buttered Toast

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It was then silent. I didn't feel hungry anymore, my appetite was ruined.

"I don't feel hungry, please enjoy your breakfast," I tell him while curtsying

Morning, Tuesday, May 20th, 1800

Y/N's POV:
I left in a hurry back into the manor and into my room. He was even worse than I could ever imagine. I pulled my chair out from the desk and sat on it.  Tom Riddle is a sexist, arrogant, and cold man. I did not understand why it had to be him to be wedded to, out of all of the men in England, it seemed a bit idiotic I might say. The rumors about his good looks were true, but I couldn't say the same about his personality. People told me that he was timid, quiet, and did not have much to say. During the conversation with him just now, he seemed to have a lot to say.

"Y/N?" I hear Amelia behind the door knocking

"Come in," I tell her, the door opened and closed. A tray of buttered toast and strawberry jam was then placed next to me, along with a nice cup of coffee 

"I heard you didn't eat breakfast with His Grace. So I brought you your favorite, just the way you like it," she tells me

"Thank you, Amelia. That is very kind of you," I tell her, she then rummages something in her pocket

"This came in for you," Amelia says, handing me a letter, I turned the letter around and found out that it was from my younger sister, Jane

Dear Sister,

I hope you are doing well in England currently. Our family is doing well. Charlotte has just started to learn how to play the piano, and she is quite good at it. Wendy is the same as usual, always causing trouble. She stole a couple of your trinkets while you were away, but no worries, I placed them all back. Our brother, Charles, is getting better from the flu, and he wishes to see you soon. I miss you already, well mostly because I'm the oldest daughter in the household now and I have to deal with our younger sisters. Is the Great Tom Riddle as handsome as people say? Anyway, have a lovely time in England, we are bound to see each other soon. Please write back whenever you get the chance

Your Younger Sister


May 19th 1800

I smiled after reading the letter. Jane was the second oldest among me, my sisters, and my brother. She was a curious young girl who dreamed of going out into the world and exploring. She craved a companion in life, someone to love. That is another reason why I accepted the marriage proposal, it was to help find the most perfect man for Jane. I then took out a piece of paper and started writing with a quill.

Dear Sister,

I am doing well, I suppose. Tom Riddle and I got in a little bit of a fight today. Yes, he is a handsome man, one of the most beautiful men that I know. But his personality on the other hand is not so beautiful, he is an arrogant, cold, sexist, and stubborn man. Although he has these qualities, I'm doing this for our family and country. Do not worry about me too much, I'll be fine. As soon as I get married, I'll be able to find a perfect suitor for you. And I hope to see you soon. Tu me manques aussi (I miss you in French)

Your Older Sister
May 20th 1800

I waited for the ink on the paper to dry and then placed it into an envelope. I sealed it with some wax and stamped it with my family crest.

"Amelia, can you send this back home please?" I said handing the letter to her, she nodded her head and left the room

I then stared at the buttered toast with jam on it. I was tempted to eat it. I caved. I took a small bite of the slightly warm soft buttered toast that was covered in sweet strawberry jam. It reminded me of home. I took a couple more bites and had a couple of sips of coffee. Pulling my book out from a drawer, I flipped it to where I left off.

Tom's POV:
I see Y/N storming off and back into the manor. She was angry.

"It seems that you've upset Lady Y/N," I hear Carter say

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked him

"A while now," he tells me "Women tend to be emotionally sensitive, so you have to be careful of what you say in front of them. For example, if I were to say this to Lady Y/N, she'd probably be upset with me too,"

I sighed and rubbed the temple of my forehead. I then see a servant walking towards me with breakfast. It was fried eggs and bacon, with a cup of hot coffee. I did not mean to upset Y/N...But it was the truth. Women are too overly sensitive and take things too literally. I know Y/N will not love me, and she knows that I won't love her. I should probably talk to the wedding planner now since Y/N has settled down at the manor.

"Carter, go send a letter to the wedding planner and the royal fashion designer for tomorrow," I tell him, you can stay mad at me, for now, Y/N, but you can't stay mad at me forever

"Understood," Carter says bowing and leaving me alone with my breakfast, I then continue reading my book in peace. It was quiet, with no loud noises, only the sound of the ripples of the pond and the wind blowing. Something that I like.

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