Chapter 1: The Boat Ride

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Enjoy! Also same characters in my previous books, but just different roles and ages- Author

New Characters In This Chapter:

Y/N L/N:
Age: 22 (Late Birthday: October 15th)
Social Status: Daughter of a Count and Countess, later a Duchess
Relationship Status: Taken; Fiancé; Tom Riddle

Tom Riddle:
Age: 22 (Late Birthday: December 31st)
Social Status: Duke of Riddle; succeeded his parents (dead)
Relationship Status: Taken; Fiancée; Y/N L/N

Amelia Whittle:
Age: 22 (Birthday: September 1st)
Social Status: Commoner
Relationship Status: Single

Carter Lestrange:
Age: 23 (Birthday: March 25th)
Social Status: Son of a Baron and Baroness
Relationship Status: Single

Abraxas Malfoy:
Age: 24 (Birthday: January 18th)
Social Status: Prince of the United Kingdom
Relationship Status: Taken; Fiancée; Molly Pummel

Monday, May 19th, 1800

Y/N's POV:
I was on the boat to England where I'll meet Duke Tom for the first time. I saw France slowly distancing away. I'll miss the beautiful city of Paris. Although I didn't want to leave France, I was the eldest child in my family, and it was my job to make our family status grow stronger. This marriage between Tom and I will allow my younger sisters to find suitors through many of the connections I'll make. And help resolve some of the tension with the United Kingdom.

I was on the boat with my attendant, Amelia. My parents decided to not join me on my journey to England, but they will be present at the wedding. The small waves slightly crashed against the boat rocking it. I softy inhaled the salty air of the English Channel. The seagulls were flapping their wings.

"What are you thinking about, my lady?" I hear Amelia speaking behind me

"Nothing much, Amelia." I tell her "And what did I tell you about addressing me?"

"Sorry, I simply forgot, Y/N." Amelia says bowing her head slightly, Amelia has been by my side for many years, and we dropped the formalities when it was just us, she then looked out at the channel excitedly "Aren't you excited?"

"I don't know what to feel," I tell her "Many emotions are coming through me...Eagerness, confusion, fear. What kind of man is Duke Tom?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Amelia says "But there were rumors that he was the most beautiful man in England. Did you see his photos?"

"A picture doesn't define a man, his words and actions does. I tell her, I then heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and saw the captain of the boat approaching us 

"My lady, there is a storm heading this way, I suggest you head back inside the boat," he tells me

"I see..." I tell him "Thank you, captain."

I walked back into the boat where it felt small and stuffy. I sat down on the nearest armchair and huffed. Amelia then poured me a hot cup of black tea.

"Sugar and cream?" she asks

"There's no need," I tell her, I then pick up the teacup and sip a bit of it, I then hear the rain hitting the windows harshly, the pitter-pattering noises were soothing


Y/N's POV:
The boat arrived at the dock, Amelia opened an umbrella for the both of us, and I stepped out of the boat and took a look at England. It was just as I imagined, dark and gloomy. A man then started to walk towards us from a carriage.

"Lady Y/N." he bows "I'm Carter Lestrange, son of the Baron and Baroness, Duke Tom's closest advisor. I'm here to escort you to his manor. These men will bring your luggage on another carriage."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Carter." I smiled softly, I then entered the carriage along with Amelia, the carriage then started to move, the ride was slightly rocky because of the cobblestone roads

"You seem troubled, Lady Y/N," Carter says 

"I'm not troubled, I'm simply thinking about my surroundings," I tell diverting my eyes toward the window

"Does meeting Duke Tom make you nervous?" he asks, I flinched slightly at his question

"Of course, I am nervous to meet him." I huffed slightly "Who wouldn't be nervous to meet the person that they are going to spend the rest of their lives with?" 

"Duke Tom is a good man, he may seem cold and distant at first, but he has good sides to him..." Carter states "He is a good strategist for wars and has one of the best swordsmanship and gunmanship in the continent."

Is that really it?

"What does Duke Tom like to do?" I asked

"Well, Duke Tom is a busy man, but when he is not, he enjoys reading and playing chess," he tells me

It seems Carter doesn't know much about Tom even though he is his closest advisor. Will Tom be closed off? What if our marriage just ends up in a divorce? I can't let that happen.

"Lady Y/N? We are here." Carter tells me, I peered outside of the carriage, we were in the countryside of England. The manor was large and beautiful, it was made out of a beige stone, and the windows were clean and clear as a crystal

I exited the carriage and it has finally stopped raining. Carter took me into the large manor, the interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. It was well-cleaned and decorated. 

"Since you are a guest and you aren't married yet, you'll be staying in the guest bedroom," he says taking me to a large room with a balcony

"Where is Duke Tom? I would like to meet him?" I asked while admiring the room

"I am unsure, he's probably somewhere in the manor," Carter says, I then noticed a small black box with a green ribbon and an envelope on a desk. The envelope says "To Lady Y/N". I then opened the letter...

Dear Lady Y/N,

Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet you since I'm away at his majesty's, and won't be back until later in the night. Please enjoy your stay in the manor. And here is a welcoming gift.


I placed the letter down. Untying the ribbon and opening the box, revealed a necklace with emeralds and diamonds, it was beautiful. I wore it around my neck and it hung on nicely.

"That is a very lovely necklace, Lady Y/N," Amelia tells me

"Indeed it is," I tell her, I wonder what Tom is doing at his majesty's palace

Tom's POV:
My sword clanged against Abraxas's sword. He had a smug look on his face, he pressed his sword against me harder and then retracted.

"I heard your future wife has arrived in England," he says thrusting his sword towards me, I then block it

"She has a name you know," I tell him

"A daughter of a Count huh? I heard she is the beauty of France." he says shifting his sword a bit "You wouldn't mind if I added her to my collection of mistresses hm?"

I shifted my sword and tripped him with my feet, he fell onto the ground. I pointed my sword at his face.

"Not every woman belongs to you, Abraxas," I tell him, I then draw my sword back into my scabbard, Abraxas chuckles and gets up, he places his hand on my shoulder and smirks

"I was just joking cousin, take a joke," he says patting my back, but I knew he wasn't joking

Yours Truly | Tom Riddle x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now