Chapter 9: The Royal Banquet

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He sat in front of her, but he looked away. She sat in front of him, but she looked down.

New Characters In This Chapter:

Nicholas Malfoy:
Age: 50 (Late Birthday: December 18th)
Social Status: King of England
Relationship Status: Taken; Wife; Bethany Malfoy (Black)

Bethany Malfoy (Black):
Age: 45 (Birthday: April 27th)
Social Status: Queen of England (Previously Princess of Italy)
Relationship Status: Taken; Husband; Nicholas Malfoy

Molly Pummel:
Age: 22 (Birthday: June 22nd)
Social Status: Daughter of a Marquess and Marchioness (Later a Princess)
Relationship Status: Taken; Fiancé; Abraxas Malfoy

Lance Dolohov:
Age: 48 (Birthday: January 14th)
Social Status: Viscount
Relationship Status: Taken; Viscountess

Evening, Thursday, May 22nd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
We finally arrived at the palace. Tom got out of the carriage first and stood outside, offering his hand. At first, I thought, "How nice of him," but then I remembered that it was all an act for the alliance between our countries.

I took his hand as I stepped out of the carriage.

"Hold my arm," he whispers. I nod slightly, linking our arms together

We then walked into the large palace together. The inside of it was more beautiful than I imagined. There were chandeliers with crystals hanging off of them, the marble pillars had gold decorations on them, and every single candle was lit. We then arrived at the throne room, where the King and Queen were sitting.

"Duke Tom Riddle and Lady Y/N L/N!" The butler announced

All eyes were turned toward us as we slowly walked towards the King and Queen. We then arrived in front of them and released our arms that were once linked together.

"Your Majesties," Tom bows, and I curtsied

"Good evening, Duke Riddle. And Lady Y/N L/N from France," King Nicholas speaks "I trust you're enjoying your stay, Lady Y/N L/N?"

"His grace has been a wonderful host, Your Majesty," I tell him, keeping my head down

"That's good," he says "You may go now,"

Tom and I both lifted our heads and were about to walk away.

"Duke Tom," his majesty's gruff voice speaks "I only told Lady Y/N that she could go, not you. Come with me to my study,"

"Of course, Your Majesty," Tom says, following the King into another room, leaving me alone, surrounded by strangers


I turned around and saw a butler holding a tray of wine glasses filled with fancy wine imported from France, where I was born.

"Would you glass, my lady?" he asks

"That would be lovely, thank you," I tell him. He then gently hands me a glass, and I hold it between my fingertips

I continuously swirled the wine in my glass and stayed where I was. Ladies were fanning themselves and gossiping amongst each other. Men were chuckling and laughing about their booming businesses.

"Lady Y/N L/N,"

I turned around and saw a woman with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a red gown with pearl beads and embroidered roses on the bottom of the dress.

"Good evening, Lady..." I asked

"Lady Pummel, Molly Pummel. The daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness. And engaged to the crown prince," she says with a big grin. She then lifts her hand and shows me her engagement ring, which is a thin golden band with a large diamond between two smaller ones

"That's a beautiful ring. I congratulate you on your engagement, Lady Molly," I said with a smile

"You're much too kind, Lady Y/N. Let me go introduce you to the other nobles that you'll need to know if you get married to the Duke," she says, linking arms with me


Tom's POV:
"Your Majesty, I remember the letter telling me this would be a small family banquet. I didn't expect you to invite every single noble family," I tell him

"The letter that Abraxas sent? I forgot to mention that there was a change of plans... I'll let you know next time,"

That's a lie. I know he did this to bring Y/N into society, which will further solidify our engagement to get married. He knows that if we were not to wed, it would tarnish both of our reputations. If the engagement were to break off, society would think there was something wrong with us and would avoid us at all costs. Since I am a high-ranking nobleman, there's a high possibility that I could be engaged to another noblewoman. While it could prevent Y/N from getting married to a noble.

"So what did you want to talk about, Your Majesty?"

"We might have to go to war with Spain; tensions are rising. This is why we need this marriage to go smoothly, so we'll have France fighting by our side. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," I said, bowing my head

"Good, keep this to yourself; I don't want the people to panic. I will send word if you're needed for war strategies and preparations," he says, walking towards the door "Let us head back now,"

Y/N's POV:
"Good evening, Viscount Lance Dolohov," I said, bowing to the tall man with a black beard. Lady Molly told me to go talk to the other lords and ladies

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Y/N," he says, taking my hand and kissing it

"I've heard a lot about you. And how you're in the mining business,"

"Indeed. My family has been in the mining business for generations now. We mine for amethyst, quartz, and topaz," he says proudly "We've been providing their precious gems to jewelers all around England. Do you own any of these gemstones?"

"Unfortunately, I don't. But I might now. How many mines do you own around England?" I asked

"We own twenty active mines currently. I'm glad that you take an interest in my business, my lady. Are you possibly interested in investing?" he asks "Investing in my business will allow you to earn at least five percent of the money that is being earned every day,"

"Unfortunately, I'm not able to negotiate on the Duke's behalf. But I will let you know if I am still interested in the future,"

"Of course. I bid you a good evening, Lady Y/N," he says, bowing and leaving to get another glass of wine

So far, I've learned about most of the businesses of the noblemen in England. Count Edward Avery owns a winery business; I doubt it's better than the ones in France. Lord George Bell also owns a few mines, like Viscount Lance.

"What business did you have with Viscount Lance?"

I looked up and saw Tom looking down at me.

Yours Truly | Tom Riddle x Fem-Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें