Chapter 8: Castleton Green

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"I understand, but your grace, may I ask where you're going this late?"

"It is simply something that you do not need to know,"

The Next Morning, Thursday, May 22nd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
"It is quite early Lady Y/N. Are you sure you want to be out here?" Amelia asks me

"Yes, I do actually. I need to clear my mind before the royal banquet today," I tell her as we walk around the garden, my heels squishing into the moist grass as it had rained the night before

A gunshot then went off and birds were fleeing quickly in the air. The bird that was shot then fell from the sky. I turned my head to the sound of the blast and from afar I saw Tom riding on his horse along with a couple of other men. I don't understand how they could find hunting to be entertaining.

"I think my mind is cleared now. How about we go back inside?" I suggested

"Of course, Lady Y/N," Amelia says assisting me "Should tell the kitchen maids and the cook to prepare a cup of tea and maybe some breakfast?"

"That will not be necessary. I need to prepare for attendance at the royal banquet, I must make a first good impression," I tell her "Prepare a hot bath,"

"Of course, Lady Y/N," Amelia says following me into the manor

Late Afternoon, Thursday, May 22nd, 1800

Y/N's POV:
"How would you like your hair to be done?" Amelia asks

"I like the way you do my hair. The braids and bun," I tell her, she nods her head. She pulls my hair back and combs it

"Are you nervous for tonight?" she asks me

"Of course I am, but I know what to do, I'll smile and keep my head down," I tell her, I then stare at the pieces of jewelry sitting on a cushion "Should I wear the pearls or the emeralds?"

"Well you're known for wearing pearls back in France, it could make a statement about yourself. Or you could wear the emeralds, which is the Riddle's family gem, showing a strong connection and bond with the Duke,"

"Amelia, that didn't answer my question," I tell her, I then held the necklace that Tom gave me "I probably should wear the emeralds that the Duke gave me. I should establish a strong impression that this marriage will be a success and not a failure, I shouldn't let my disapproval of the Duke affect that,"

"Of course, would you like me to polish it for you too?" Amelia asks

"It's quite alright, it has a shine and it's pretty enough. Do you think it's flashy? Because I remember Carter saying the Queen does not appreciate it when people outshine her?" I asked

"I think you'll be fine. You only have one emerald surrounded by diamonds hanging on your neck, not ten of them. Besides I feel like the Queen would wear something more...flashy than the necklace that you're going to wear. She'll probably wear ten sapphires around her neck or a hundred rubies," Amelia comments

"You're right, this will do...How about the dress?" I asked, somebody then knocked on the door

"I shall answer it," Amelia says getting up and opening the door "Oh! Sir Carter, is there something wrong?"

"Everything is alright Lady Amelia,"

"You don't have to call me Lady, I'm a commoner after all,"

"I think it's respectful. I'm here to deliver a gift to Lady Y/N, it's from the Duke, and he would like her to wear it for the banquet. The carriage will also be leaving at sunset,"

"I will give this to her, thank you, Sir Carter,"

She then closes the door and comes back with a white large box. It had Dahlia Modiste written on it. Amelia then opened the box for me and I stood up to take a look.

"Oh! It's quite beautiful," Amelia comments

It was beautiful indeed.

It was a Castleton green dress made out of cotton. The bottom part of the dress was decorated with small pearl beads and ruffles at the bottom.

Sunset, Thursday, May 22nd, 1800

Tom's POV:

I stared at my pocket watch that continued to tick as time went by.

"It's already sunset, how late could she possibly be?" I huffed

"Patience, my grace. I'm sure she's trying her best to make an impression on the royal family," Carter assures me

I paced back and forth as I continued to wait for her.

"That's it we're going to leave without her, she could take another carria-" 

I was then interrupted when the front doors flew open. Y/N was then charging down the stairs. Her hair was neatly put up, she was wearing the emerald necklace and dress that I gave her. She looked elegant.

"Your grace! I'm so sorry that I'm late!" she says swiftly running down the stairs

Y/N's POV:
I can't believe I'm late for something so important. What an utter embarrassment!

I ran down the stone stairs and felt myself falling. A pair of arms then caught me from hitting the hard cold ground, I looked and saw Tom holding onto me. Although his eyes were emotionless most of the time, I swore I saw a glint of worry and care. He then helped me back up onto my feet.

"Please don't carelessly run down the stairs," Tom tells me, he then lets go of my hand "Come on now, we're going to be late because of you,"

He then steps into the carriage. Carter then assists me into the carriage. We both sat across from each other. During the whole ride...We did not utter a single word.

Narrator's POV:
He sat in front of her, but he looked away. She sat in front of him, but she looked down.

Yours Truly | Tom Riddle x Fem-ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum