Chapter 6: Tea and Biscuits

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"I'm assuming that you were reaching for this?" he says handing the cup to me

"Yes, thank you," I tell him as I take the cup from him, he then reaches for another cup for himself

Late Morning, Wednesday, May 21st, 1800

Y/N's POV:
"Are you planning to drink something?" I asked

"Yes," he says looking through a cabinet and reaching out for a small canister "Would you care for some black tea?"

"Yes please," 

He then pours some tea leaves into a pot of hot water. I never expected Tom to make his cup of tea. We then sat there in silence as the tea brewed. I tried to avoid his gaze as much as possible, once in a while he would look back. He taps his fingers against the cup.

"So did you pick out a dress that you are going to wear?" he asks

"Yes, I did," I tell him, "Lady Dahlia said she's going to bring me the dress as soon as she finishes,"

"I hope she does finish before the wedding. After all, it's next week," he tells me "Well the tea is done brewing,"

He then walked towards another shelf and reached for a container. And then reached for some milk. While I pour a cup of tea before us.

"Milk and sugar?" he asks

"Just two cubes of sugar, thank you," I tell him, he furrows his eyebrow in confusion "I only like two cubes in my tea. I like the flavor of the tea without the milk,"

"Interesting," he says adding two sugar cubes to my tea. He then adds three cubes of sugar and a bit of milk to his tea

"Thank you," I tell him as I stir my tea "I'm going to go now,"

"Okay," he tells me in a monotone voice

As I left the kitchen, I realized that the conversation we had just now was our first real conversation without disagreeing. I walked back to my room and continued to drink some of my tea until someone knocked on my door.

"Ms. Y/N?" a familiar voice says behind the door

It was Carter.

"Come in," I tell him, he then comes in holding a silver tray full of biscuits and cookies

"These biscuits and cookies would compliment your tea," he tells me as he places it down on my table

"Oh, why thank you. But how did you know-" 

"I'm not supposed to tell you, but Duke Tom asked me to bring these to you," he tells me "These cookies were imported from France yesterday,"

"Thank you," I tell him again, he then bows and exits my room

I was surprised. It was such a nice gesture. Maybe I should do something for Tom, but if I did he would know that I know about his gesture. I picked up a Biscuit Rose de Reims, it's a pink biscuit. It's light, soft, and crunchy at the same time. It was delicious. 

It was a beautiful day outside. It reminds me of those days when my siblings and I would run on the grass with our bare-feet, and feel the dirt below us. Those days were over though...I sometimes wondered what it would be like to not be betrothed to Tom.

What it would be like to be free? To be independent? To be in control?

"Lady Y/N? There's a letter for you,"

I turned around to Amelia who was holding a letter with my family seal. I picked up and opened the letter.

Dear Y/N L/N,

I hope all things are going well in England, as I expect the best from you. Make sure you win Duke Tom's side, he is a crucial part of our success and peace for our country. Now do your part and don't disappoint us, you know what will happen if you don't bring us pride and happiness. Do not let me down, you are my daughter after all.

Count William L/N

He calls me his daughter, yet doesn't treat me like one. I am an experiment to him, an item that could be easily disposed of. If I am not of use to him, my siblings will become his victims. I tore the parchment apart.

"Burn this letter," I tell Amelia "And please be discreet with it,"

"Yes, Y/N," 

She then leaves me alone in the room. I stared out the window and saw Tom on his horse with Carter Lestrange. I wonder where they were off to. I peeked my head out of the door and saw a maid in the hallway.

"You there," I tell her, she turns towards me and then quickly rushes off "Wait!"

I started to chase after her, she was awfully quick, but I was wearing heels so that of course slowed me down. I turned around a corner and finally caught up to her.

"I command you to stop," I tell her

"Sorry, Lady Y/N, but I am forbidden to speak to you," she bows 

"I only have one simple question," I tell her "Where is Duke Tom heading to?"

"I cannot tell you, my lady," she says shaking her head "I'm not allowed to,"

"Am I allowed to leave the grounds to go with him?" I asked

"I'm afraid not, Lady Y/N. His Grace ordered us to not let you out without his permission," she tells me

I might be nosey, but this just made it more suspicious. I then turned around and left. What could they possibly not tell me? They could've made up a lie, like practicing for a hunting tournament or visiting the palace. I huffed and turned around. I feel like a bird trapped in a cage, I can't believe that I'm not even allowed to leave, that is unheard of.

"Amelia!" I yelled in the empty hallways

"Yes?" she says walking towards me

"Prepare me a horse. I do not care if they do not let me, I will go anyways, I am going to be the future Duchess and I should be treated just as equally as Duke Tom," I tell her

Yours Truly | Tom Riddle x Fem-ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang