So Long To Yesterday (Chapter 14)

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Ten Year Later

“Kat, you have to come! Its our class reunion, and I haven't seen you in so long!” Tiana begged through the phone. “Please, just please say you'll come.”

“Oh, alright! I come.” Katia rolled her eyes as she slammed her pen down on her desk. “Now let me get back to work before I lose my job.” She giggled at her friend as they bid each other a friendly good bye.

It had been nearly eight months since Katia had returned home, but with good reason. Before while she was in school she went home at as many holidays as money would allow. But when she graduated she had to get a job and that limited her visits to once or twice a year.

Every time she went home she ran the risk of running into Blake and she wasn't ready to deal with that problem even now after so much time had passed.

They had a good thing going for a while, they would call or email as often as they could but soon Blake's orders came in. Not even six months into his enlistment he was being shipped to Afghanistan, and Katia's worst dreams were coming true.

Every day she jumped at any phone call or dreaded checking her mail box for any sign that something tragic had in fact happened to Blake. During his year stay over seas she had received two phone calls that both came at ungodly hours of the night. Blake had been brief about where he was and went on to tell her how his accommodations were. Which needless to say they were not up to standard that any person should be put through. But mostly he wanted to reassure her he was in fact alive and well and missed her a great deal.

Once he returned, he spent part of his two week leave in New York with Katia, spending as much time as possible in each others arms, but yet again is it wasn't enough. And all too soon again, Blake received more orders that he would be returning over seas with his former team of marines.

Katia couldn't help but to remember the fight they had when he broke the news.

“Katia, I can't help it. It's my job, I have to go where I'm told.”

“But you're going to get hurt!” Katia cried as she clung to the phone as if it was her only life line.

“No. I'll be fine! We just keep the peace around our base, no real combat.” He tried over and over to calm her down and sate her nerves that he would come back home in one piece.

“I can't do this, Blake! I spent an entire year worrying about when the call would come or afraid to check my mail. Every time I turned around there was a story about some poor soldier who lost his life. I can't keep doing this to myself! I love you, but this is all too much to me!” Katia's voice cracked allowing a sob to break through. She never wanted things to end this way, but they did.

Katia loved him enough to let him go, and even after Blake called her for days on end before his next assignment, she held her ground. Somewhere in the pit of her heart she knew this was going to be for the best, for the both of them. Or at least she hoped so.

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