So Long To Yesterday (Chapter 6)

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So Long To Yesterday

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely

© All Rights Reserved – 2011


Katia threw herself across her bed as she relived the night she just had with Blake. Not only had he kissed her, but his admission about his feelings towards her left her nearly speechless. She knew the feeling was mutual for her.

Her lips still tingled where he had kissed her earlier in the night. They relaxed by the brook for some time just talking about anything and everything. But Katia could feel herself skirting around the end of school topic, part of her wanted to come out and tell him about her big move, but then again another half held back. She was truly happy that she was now with Blake, and the fear loomed in the back of her mind that if he knew he'd leave without a second thought.

Beep Beep

Katia rolled over picking up her phone from the side table as he signaled that she just received two text messages. Quickly accessing the screen she got one from Ty, “I want to know everything, I'm coming over.” She hastily send her a message back telling her she was waiting, then turned back to read the next one. It was from Blake. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as she opened the message, “Tonight was amazing. I'll pick you up in the morning. Sweet dreams, Katia.” It was amazing and it just kept getting better, she thought as she replied. “I'll be waiting. My dreams are always sweet. Good night, Blake.”

She stared at the phone for a few minutes reading and rereading the message over and over wishing that tonight never had to end. Part of Katia wished she could of stayed by the brook with Blake all night long. It was magical and the horse ride was so much fun.

“Knock, knock.” Ty said as pushed the door open. “Well don't you look love drunk.” She grinned at Katia, who was splayed across the bed with a stupid grin pasted on her face.

“I think I am.” Katia sighed as she sat up looking at Ty, who shook her head as she giggled slightly.

“Well I'm happy for you, Kitty Kat.” Ty hugged her shoulders then ripped the phone from her hands. “Let's see what he sent you.”

“Hey!” Making a pathetic attempt to take the phone back, Katia simply gave up and flopped back against her pillows.

“Tonight was amazing, huh? What made it so amazing?” Ty's brows were raised as she pursed her lips waiting for a response.

“We kissed, but that wasn't even half of it!” Katia squealed.

“Dish, girl! Don't spare any of the little details.” Ty flopped down on the queen sized bed beside her friend preparing herself to hear every bit of the date.

Katia delved into every aspect of dinner, from the conversation to the small comments about how Blake never had anyone special to take there until now. Then she talked about the horse ranch they visited and meeting Betty Page. Ty cooed at the thought of a starlit horse ride to some hidden clearing with a brook. Then came the kiss. Katia found herself closing her eyes replaying it yet again as she described everything she felt and heard.

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