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PAIN coursed through Justin's body as his father delivered another swift kick to his gut.

Justin curled in on himself, blood dripped from his nose. A loud groan escaped from his limps.

But otherwise Justin said nothing. He just took the beating like he normally would. Especially since his beatings have become a normal occurrence over the past 4 months. And every time he would scream in pain, his father would yell shut up before beating him worser.
So Justin just learned to keep his mouth shut no matter how much it hurt.

But that wasn't the only thing that's changed.

"You fucking fairy!" His father yelled, before leaning down and sending a strong right hook right into Justin's jaw.

Justin's head was slammed hard into the ground because of the punch. Warm liquid slowly started to drip, while Justin released small screams followed by a loud groan in pain.

After punching Justin a few more times, his father finally left Justin alone. To willow in pain. Blood, cuts and bruises littering his body.

After laying on the floor of his bedroom, which had been completely destroyed by his father, Justin slowly sat up. A strong aching pain shot through his ribcage, but Justin just groaned and otherwise ignored the pain.

He continued to sit up, before sliding his body across the hardwood floor, before placed himself against the wall. After sitting against the wall for a moment, Justin put all his strength into standing up. Using the wall for support so he wouldn't fall.

His hand slowly slide across the sky blue colored wall, as he trailed towards the bathroom across the hall from his room. He opened the door and slowly walked towards the huge open bath tub/shower.

He adjusted the water to his liking, before walking towards the sink and marbled counter top. He leaned his weight against counter, making sure not to get blood on the counter.

He didn't need to give his father another reason to come to his room and beat him again. Or worser, come to the bathroom while he was bathing and beat him.

Justin grimaced at his thoughts before pushing off the counter top and walking towards the tub. He closed the top on the toilet that was next to the tub before sitting down and slowly began striping out of his clothes.

Once Justin was done taking his clothes off, he slowly sat down in the bath tub. The warm water caused his cuts and bruises to ache.

A hiss of pain left his lips as he completely sat down in the water. Blood slowly spread through the water, turning it a light pink. He sat his head back against the wall gently so he wouldn't hurt it too much. And then he closed his eyes.

All of which he really shouldn't do because he most likely had a concussion but in all honesty he didn't really care.

He was tired, hurt and bruised. And everyone, from the people at school to the people in town to his own father, they were all stressing him out. Pissing him off and Justin didn't know how much more he could take.

After just sitting in the tube for 20 minutes, Justin finally took a towel and some body wash and cleaned his body slowly, before finally getting out the tube. He walked slowly towards the large mirror that hung above the sink, and then he just looked at himself in mirror.

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